Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Wasting Time

Have you ever had a moment when the light bulb just comes on and you realize, "Wow! I'm really wasting my time!"

This morning, I've spent a few hours working on one of the computers in our home. It needs to be done, but there are many other things I wanted to accomplish this morning. I really feel like I've wasted this morning, and I can't get back that time.

I would like to think that I live my life trying to make the most of every moment. We never know how much time we have on this earth, so when the end of my time comes, I'd like to be able to look back and say with confidence, "I wasted very little time."

How about you? What is included in your daily routine that could be categorized as "time wasted?"


Amy said...

I'm really good at wasting time, just look at my blog title. I'm constanly convicted by the amount of time I spend on the computer. Ryan had a day at school called "Muffins With Mom". All the moms came in to class the last half hour and had muffins with their child and did a craft. Also, they had these little books open on the table that they are working on. The page was open to a sentence that said, "My mom's favorite thing to do is ___________." In the blank on Ryan's page was written "play games on the computer". Ouch. The truth hurts, huh? In actuality, I play very little games on the computer these days. My days of playing Webkinz games is long gone! Now, I mostly read blogs and email, and work on menu planning and my grocery lists on the computer. But that is still what Ryan sees me doing so much of the time. Anyway, I was convicted and I am really trying to not be sucked into the black hole of the computer! Because for me, once I sit down, the next thing I know, an hour has gone by... That was a really long response, but you hit a sore spot with me :-) Just an area that I'm all too aware of that God is pruning me.

Pastor GW said...

appreciate the comment amy. playing on the computer is sometimes that "mindless downtime" that we all need in the midst of a hectic day. but i would agree that if your son says it's your favorite thing to do, then perhaps a few too many moments are being spent in the downtime mode. :-)

Wouldn't it be great for ryan to say, "My mom's favorite thing to do is pray." or "My mom's favorite thing to do is sing worship songs."

Hate to be all spiritual, but these are options to staring at the ole' LCD monitor.