Friday, January 30, 2009


After he had said this, Jesus was troubled in spirit and testified, "I tell you the truth, one of you is going to betray me." John 13:21 NIV

Imagine investing yourself in someone's life, pouring your energy, wisdom and resources into this person only to have them betray you. This is where Jesus found himself while eating the Last Supper with his closest friends.

If you serve in ministry in any capacity, there are few guarantees; but one is that you will experience disappointment somewhere along the way. It's inevitable to serve in ministry and grow close to people, without seeing at least one turn in a direction that is contrary to what you (and God) would want for him/her. Scripture warns us that there will be some who hear the Word, but the worries of this life, trouble, persecution and deceit stifle spiritual growth, making the person unfruitful while some quickly fall completely away (see Matthew 13:18-23).

Jesus experienced disappointment just as we experience disappointment. Ministry must continue, however. Just as some seed will fall among the thorns or on rocky soil, we will invest ourselves into people who will show some great strides only to turn back to their wicked ways in spite of our best efforts. This is the reality of ministry. Prepare your hearts for the disappointments that will occur along the way, but realize that the fruit that is born from your service to the Lord does not disappoint.

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Life Group

We had an awesome Life Group session last night. The discussion time was deep and authentic, the prayers were sweet and led by the Holy Spirit and no one rushed to leave. These are all the components of a healthy and effective Life Group. That's a win! Praise God!!

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Today's Topic

When I consider the question, "What am I going to preach?" I always have an answer: "Whatever the Holy Spirit leads me to teach."

That may sound a little corny at first, but there's a very important lesson in this process for pastors as well as anyone who is in a position to teach someone else (which means everyone).

I have countless lessons that I have preached over the last ten years and that I have access to via the internet that others have preached. Each week, it would be very easy for me to simply select at random any one of those messages. However, the most important question that goes along with "What am I going to preach?" is "What does my flock need to hear?". That's when the Holy Spirit comes into play in revealing to me the needs of the people who attend City on a Hill Church.

It's incredibly important to preach a message that is needed instead of just filling time every Sunday morning. That's how churches grow instead of merely exist. That's how lives are changed.

Believe it or not, we're all in a position to teach someone something. Perhaps you're a parent with children or you have coworkers who look to you for advise or mentoring. If you can't think of one person who looks to you for wisdom and information, then you need to figure out why and make changes so that you do have the opportunity to teach someone something. We all have valuable experiences and wisdom that need to be passed along to others.

When we teach, we should never be interested in merely passing along information, but begin with "What does this person need to know?" Being a good teacher is not about figuring out how to spew forth as much information as possible in the short time you have. It's about knowing what your student needs to know and then communicating it in a way that he/she understands it.

Some questions with which to challenge yourself this week:
Who are you teaching?
Have you asked the Holy Spirit to reveal to you what they need to know?
And are you teaching them what they need to know without overloading them with mere information?

Tuesday, January 27, 2009


First real snow of the season this morning.

My kids have never played in the snow before, so we've been having a blast outside. I was feeling pretty rough yesterday, but today I woke up with a lot more energy and the fever was gone. Thanks be to God I could enjoy this special moment with my kids.

Monday, January 26, 2009

Thanks for your prayers

Thanks for everyone's prayers. My voice held out yesterday morning, and God gave me supernatural energy. Then I crashed hard in the afternoon.

Busy week ahead, and we have a lot of church activities in the next few weeks: Homeless Shelter oversight Feb 1-7, Ladies brunch on Jan 31, Valentine's Day Carnation Outreach, etc. It's always great to know there are options for people to participate, serve and enjoy the company of others.

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Head Colds

Picked up a nice little head cold in the last two days that's affecting my voice. Appreciate your prayers as I'd like to be able to preach tomorrow morning without sounding like I'm 12 years old again.

Friday, January 23, 2009


The first Biblical account of worship is found in Genesis chapter 4 in the story of Cain and Abel. Cain and his brother, Abel, are making offerings to the Lord - a form of worship. Cain only brought "some of the fruits of the soil" while Abel "brought fat portions from some of the firstborn of his flock." The text tells us that "the Lord looked with favor on Abel and his offering, but on Cain and his offering he did not look with favor."

From the text, it's obvious what the difference between the offerings or form of worship is by the brothers. However, we must infer what the relationship was like between each brother and the Lord. Cain wasn't moved to bring but "some of the fruits" while Abel had the kind of relationship with God by which he was inspired to bring "fat portions from some of the firstborn." In other words, Abel set aside the best portions first before he met any of his own needs and Cain worshiped God with only the leftovers.

Our worship is always directly proportionate to our relationship with God. If our relationship is flourishing and God is first in our lives, our worship reflects that. Conversely, if we connect with God only once in a while and he is but a mere occasional presence in our life, our worship will reflect that as well.

This weekend at City on a Hill Church, I'm teaching on "Ordinary People Experiencing Extraordinary Lives - Through Worship". We'll discuss how worship affects our ability to experience God in extraordinary ways. Please join us.

Thursday, January 22, 2009


Today marks the first day when many of us will be resuming our normal eating schedule. Christians in City on a Hill Church and throughout our community have been on a 21-day fast that began on January 1. Personally, I know that the Lord did amazing things in my life during this time, and I'm excited to see the long-term effects of God's children fasting and praying for revival in our community.

I didn't plan the calendar intentionally, but today is also a teacher's workday at Yowell Elementary School and the day that our church is serving lunch to 65 staff members at the school. The Bible gives us insight over and over again into the responsibilities of a shepherd. Two particular insights that caught my eye this morning include the instruction Jesus gives to Peter, "Feed my sheep." and a warning found in Jude 12 that cautions us about "shepherds who feed only themselves."

As Pastor and shepherd at City on a Hill Church, I'm called to nourish my flock spiritually. However, if I'm to follow Jesus' example, I'm also called to meet my flock's needs in practical ways as well. As a pastor in this community, my responsibilities reach from the flock at COAHC into the community at-large. Today, I'm blessed to have the opportunity to feed my sheep!

Wednesday, January 21, 2009


When I was in Southern California, I joined MySpace because most of the young people I ministered to had pages. It was a great way to stay connected throughout the week. I was introduced to Facebook about a year ago noticing the trend towards this social networking site. In the last couple of weeks, I've connected with a large number of people with whom I haven't spoken in at least a dozen years.

Why are social networking sites so popular? I believe the main reason is that we have an innate need to be connected to one another. Being an island is not in our human nature.

God wired us to have relationship with one another. When the Word tells us that the Church is the Body of Christ, the metaphor has large implications in this regard. Just as Paul writes, "the eye can't tell the hand, 'I don't need you!'" We all need one another, and social networking sites allow us to feel more comfortable connecting with one another.

Because there is the infinite separation between people while on social networking sites, God wants to see us take the next step as well. Connect with people in such a way that you're in one another's presence. Hebrews 10:25 reminds us of our God-given need for personal connection:
"Let us not give up meeting together as some are in the habit of doing, but let us encourage one another-and all the more as you see the Day approaching."

There isn't a single one of us who can find the strength to encourage one's self through every life experience. We need one another! We need connection!!

Tuesday, January 20, 2009


Today's such an historic day for this nation. Please commit to praying for our newly elected President, his family and that our country accomplishes the purposes and plans of our Lord.

1 Timothy 2:1-3 (The Message)
The first thing I want you to do is pray. Pray every way you know how, for everyone you know. Pray especially for rulers and their governments to rule well so we can be quietly about our business of living simply, in humble contemplation. This is the way our Savior God wants us to live.

Monday, January 19, 2009

What's God Already Doing?

One of the biggest questions I go to God with is, "What would you have City on a Hill Church do in Culpeper?"

You see, I can come up with all kinds of ideas and create opportunities for ministry on my own. However, being where God wants us and doing what God wants us to do is incredibly important in the life of a church. If we're doing what we want to do and then asking God to bless it, the fruitbearing is going to be slim-pickings. Instead, finding out what God is already doing in Culpeper and then joining Him in those places will bear the fruit He wants in both the lives of those being ministered to and those who are doing the ministering.

So, what's God already doing in Culpeper? Here are just a few answers that the Lord has revealed to me:
1 - marketplace transformation (e.g., PrayCulpeper's focus of ministry)
2 - revival among the young people in Culpeper (e.g., YoungLife, Rize-Up, various church youth groups)
3 - impacting the community through acts of service and kindness (e.g., Homeless Shelter ministry)
4 - discipleship among His children (e.g., Experiencing God curriculum)

Has God shown you some other areas where He's already working? If so, please feel free to share them by adding a comment.

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Sunday Morning Service

We hosted our first Sunday morning service for COAHC. We had six first-time visitors as a result. We also were led in worship by our new worship director, Norm Hughes. The Holy Spirit moved powerfully during our time with the Lord this morning. I'm confident that the Lord is leading and guiding us towards some incredible miracles in 2009.

Thursday, January 15, 2009


One of the most common responses that pastors (and God) hears in response to ministry opportunities is, "I can't do that?" or "Who, me?"

The Bible is full of examples of ordinary people doing extraordinary things: Moses leading the Jews out of captivity, Gideon defeating the Midianities, Peter walking on the water, Abraham becoming the Father of the Israelites, Joseph becoming Pharoah's right-hand man and the list goes on and on.

The common thread in all of these examples is that God found someone ordinary to do something that he was incapable of doing by himself. The person needed God to accomplish the task, but he was willing to be God's instrument in the process - maybe not initially, but eventually.

God's looking for some ordinary people to do some extraordinary things. Are you ready to say, "Here am I, Lord. Send me!"?

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Ministries @ COAHC

I'm excited about what God is doing at City on a Hill Church. He's developing the ministries we already have in place as well as bringing new ministry opportunities along. For instance, I mentioned previously that we have identified our new worship director. Norm will be putting into place a full worship team that I know will be great. Our children's ministry is really coming along under the guidance of Chris and Holly. We continue to be in a position to serve our community in wonderful ways - next week, we'll be serving lunch to the staff at Yowell Elementary School.

Along with these things, our Life Groups just started up - incredibly important ministry. My wife will be starting our women's ministry next month, and we now have a need for a "Christianity 101" class for new believers. We'll probably be offering that on Sunday mornings before our worship service.

Another ministry that hasn't started yet at COAHC is youth ministries. This is near and dear to my heart, but we're just not there yet. I know God will open that door in His timing. Will be looking forward to that...

As I look at what God has done at COAHC in only four months, I can't tell you how blessed I am. What an honor it is to lead this church and to serve this community. Praise be to God!

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Life Groups & Ministry

One of the hopes I have for every single adult at City on a Hill Church is to be plugged into a Life Group and be serving in ministry someplace within the church. Last week, we kicked off our first Life Group, and we had so many people respond favorably, we need to launch a second one. I'm really excited to know that most every adult at COAHC is getting plugged in without me coaching them to do so.

The other part is coming along nicely as well. We have most of our adults plugged in somewhere already, but I'll be focusing more on that in the coming few weeks.

I've always heard that a church needs to start off being who it wants to be instead of going back after the fact and trying to change programs and people. It's nice to know that we are very close to meeting these hopes of mine right off the bat.

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Wonderful Past Few Days

The last few days have probably been some of the most wonderful days of my entire life...

Wednesday - Identified City on a Hill Church's new worship director. Really excited about that!! One of my college roommates whom I hadn't talked to in 16 years came to visit my family. He gave his life to Christ in the wee hours of Thursday morning. He's moving to Culpeper to start a new life with Christ!
Friday - Attended the Stop Hunger Now Project and felt compelled to have Natalie Rosenberger come present the project to City on a Hill Church. We received a special collection for this project and committed our church to serving on Feb 7.
Saturday - Had our last Saturday evening service at COAHC with our second of two-part series on the Lord's Prayer. The energy of COAHC seems to be bulging at the seams. I sense God is about to do something amazing in our church body.
Sunday - Celebrated my 40th birthday with family and friends today. Best of all, Emma (my middle daughter) also turned 4 today. Best birthday gift I ever received was her coming into my life!

No coincidence that I'm one of many participating in a 21-day fast... God is awesome!

Friday, January 9, 2009

What's Your Destination?

I'm reading 7 Practices Of Effective Ministry by Andy Stanley et al with a staff member. The main point of Chapter 2 is helping leaders understand that the point of ministry to take a person from point A to point B. There must be a destination.

If the destination isn't identified and if there isn't a strategy to get the people being touched by the ministry from point A to point B, then the time is spent simply wandering. You could find yourself going in circles, you could find yourself wandering aimlessly or, worst yet, you could find yourself going in the opposite direction and not even know it!

This morning, we identified our destination and the steps that are needed to get to our destination. Where's your destination?

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Putting the Pieces Together

City on a Hill Church is being blessed so much. It's so exciting to be in a position at this point to begin having staff overseeing various ministries like children's ministry and worship. I love how implementing different ministries into a church is like putting a puzzle together. One piece at a time helps the big picture come into view. The pieces have to fit into the right place, but when they do, the beautiful picture that God has created begins to come to fruition.

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

God Interrupted

I had the next few days mapped out rather well with perfect timing for study, sermon preparation and family time. Then it happened... A phone call this morning led to a God Interruption that will completely disrupt the rest of my week. The cause? An opportunity for ministry... An opportunity for Jesus Christ to change the life of one person.

That's what it's all about. More of You, Lord. Less of me. May You keep interrupting me and lead me into opportunities for lives to be changed...

Launching Life Group Tonight

Tonight, City on a Hill Church is launching its first Life Group. As many Life Groups throughout our community are doing, we're studying the Experiencing God curriculum. It's a fantastic study that I'm confident will change the lives of those who are in attendance.

Life Groups are a major part of the philosophy of COAHC. It's important that we're not just followers of Jesus Christ, but that we're disciples. Being a disciple means we have to be discipled. A Life Group is just the place where that can happen: a smaller, more intimate and informal environment where authentic discussions can occur about experiencing the living God.

I'm elated that a high percentage of our adults will be in attendance. It's always important to start things according to your vision instead of starting and then needing to go back and correct.

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Homeless Shelter Still Ministering

Last night, City on a Hill Church took another turn at overseeing the Homeless Shelter Ministry. Because of the expected inclement weather, our plans for facilities were changed. We ended up sleeping in the Depot Center after having dinner at St. Stephen's Episcopal Church.

I love to watch how our church family minister to the guests. I'm so proud of our folks! Also, the young man whom I met at the homeless shelter a few weeks ago joined us to serve them tonight. What a wonderful story! He was hired yesterday as a cook at Chili's restaurant and is well on his way to getting things turned around.

Keep praying for this ministry. There are still many churches in our community who have refused to participate. There are still many weeks left between now and April for which we don't have volunteers or facilities.

Monday, January 5, 2009

Remembering 2008 and looking forward

As I look back at 2008, here are a few highlights that top my list of most memorable moments:
-My daughter, Abby Rae, accepting Jesus as her Lord and Savior
-The call of God to Culpeper to plant City on a Hill Church
-My tour of Israel with Chuck Swindoll and Insight for Living
-The many young people who came to the Lord and who were baptized at Palomar Heights Church in San Diego County
-The first person at City on a Hill Church to commit his life to Christ
-Denominational walls being broken down as the Church of Culpeper comes together for the homeless shelter ministry

2008 was a year that I will likely look back on and say, "That was one of the most pivotal years in my life." I have a sense that 2009 is shaping up to be another incredible year full of surprises and amazing miracles from God. I really can't wait to see what He does in my life, the life of my family, the life of City on a Hill Church and the life of our Culpeper community!