Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Miracles in Awakening

City on a Hill Church is in the midst of the 21-day event called Awakening. We're partnering with churches all over the globe for a time of awakening in our prayer, fasting and personal devotions with God.

It's no surprise then that we should be hearing of and experiencing miracles. It's no surprise then that we should be experiencing spiritual attacks. It's no surprise then that we should expect God to move in mighty ways in and through our lives!

On Sunday, I heard two testimonies of the great things God was doing.

One lady in our church family was faced with an unexpected hospital bill and medical expenses amounting to nearly $20,000. She asked me to meet with her and her husband to discuss and pray, so we met last week. The situation seemed overwhelming for the family, and there didn't seem to be any way out of the predicament as their insurance didn't cover all that was expected. We worked like it depends on us (developed a strategy to negotiate and establish a payment plan) and prayed like it depends on God. On Sunday, she told me that her husband received an unexpected check in the mail that was an extra $20,000!

Another lady in our church is currently receiving treatment for a horrible experience she endured recently. She's away from her family, on the other side of the country. When she arrived, the doctors told her that she would be there for a month. This weekend, she called her husband to tell him that God has supernaturally healed her and she's coming home this weekend!

I love our God!

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

New Territories

A few months ago, the leadership of City on a Hill Church were faced with some challenging questions about what God was doing in our church and where He was taking us. We had meetings, discussed at length what we thought was going on, but God showed up and led our entire church family into a 40-day fast - to seek His understanding and His direction. During this time, God made it clear that He was laying the groundwork for our future and that our future would include new territories in this coming new year. One new territory is the land on which our church building sits.

That's where we are today. The Lord has brought us to a decision point as a church. We have the opportunity to move into a seven-year period with plans to raise funds to purchase land, build a new church building and position ourselves for not just the near-term, but for generations to follow.

This Friday evening at 6:30pm, the Elders and I will present the opportunities God has set before us. We invite everyone who is a part of COAHC to join us, hear and see the information, and ask questions.

As Pastor of COAHC, I can't possibly explain in words how excited I am. I feel like a kid on Christmas Eve! There's so much anticipation in my heart and mind about what God is going to do. I'm excited because really no one can truly anticipate God's blessings. Even though the Elders and I have diligently worked out plans for the next seven years, we can't see the amount, the description or the intensity of God's blessings through 2018. We can't quantitatively or qualitatively describe His blessings on a spreadsheet or a PowerPoint presentation!

Even though the numbers make sense on paper, God never leads you to something great without a measure of faith being involved. Before crossing into the promised land, the Jews had to demonstrate their faith in the God who not only promised them the land, but who also led them to its borders. I'm certain that God will call us to walk by faith in this new territory as well.

Join us this Friday evening at 6:30pm for a glimpse into God's blessings and for the first step of a seven-year journey of faith for City on a Hill Church.