Thursday, July 31, 2008

First Series

To kick things off with COAHC, I'll teach a series on "What's Your Spiritual Climate?" I had decided a few weeks ago that my first message will be from Revelation 3:16. Then, one of our advisors told me he preached a message recently on "Are You a Thermometer or a Thermostat?". That fit in just right, so I'll adapt that theme for next week's message.

Looking forward to seeing what the Lord does with this as we get started.

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Official Logo

JJ Phillips of created our logo for us. JJ's an incredibly gifted guy, and he captured the essence of both Matthew 5:14 and COAHC's vision in this logo. I think it's awesome!!

Launch on Saturday

We're launching on Saturday evening at our home. Man, am I excited!! It feels like so much prayer, planning and action has gone into this, and now it's finally here. Kinda like the birth of a new baby...

The Lord's putting some great things on my heart for teaching and worship over the next few weeks. It will be wonderful to see how the Holy Spirit moves in our midst.

Monday, July 28, 2008

Weekend Wrap-Up

We had a great time at our home on Saturday with the party. About 30 friends, family and neighbors had some good food and some good fun!

It's easy to find ourselves trapped in our own box, though. It's easy to keep our eyes just on our little slice of life and world, not seeing beyond the scope of our immediate circumstances. Our family is still coming down off "the high" from Saturday. Some folks in Tennessee, however, are suffering because of what happened on Sunday morning at Trinity Valley Unitarian Universalist Church. It's not about the name of the church today or their doctrine. It's about the people who are hurting and grieving because of the tragedy they're enduring. We should remember them in our prayers because their loss is God's loss as well.

Saturday, July 26, 2008

B-Day Party

We're hosting a party to celebrate my youngest daughter's birthday as well as a couple of people in our extended family's birthdays. We're expecting a large gathering of family, friends and neighbors. Should be a great time today. Looking forward to seeing some folks I don't get to see often and meeting some new people as well.

Friday, July 25, 2008

Spidy sense

If you are a Spiderman fan, you'll know exactly what I'm talking about. Spiderman has a super ability that he can "sense" danger right before it happens. This "Spidy Sense", as it's aptly called, has saved his neck once or twice.

God develops a sort of Spidy sense in His kids. It's not just for being aware of danger, but being aware of God's will. The Spidy sense is nothing short of hearing the voice of the Holy Spirit prompting us towards a particular direction or decision.

I had one of those moments this week. After paying a quick visit to the campus of my alma matter last week, I reconnected to a professor - Dr. Jay Paul -who oversees the Honors Program at Christopher Newport University, a program of which I was a part. Dr. Paul invested in me while I was a student, and his impact on my life will never be forgotten. The Program is moving towards an upgrade to an Honors College status. I've been asked to be a part of a group of people who will support the College via being a member of a group that will serve in some sort of advisory role. The details are being worked out with regard to our exact role and responsibilities to the College.

At first, I was a little guarded about this opportunity as it seems it may have the potential to distract me from my focus on Culpeper. But then my "Spidy Sense" started tingling. There's something to this opportunity that may end up tieing into my commitment to the community of Culpeper. I have no true idea of what this may end up looking like, but I've got that feeling the Lord will be using this somehow, someway. In any case it's a privelege to serve my alma matter in this capacity. I am certain the Lord uses every opportunity given to Him to accomplish His will. This is, at least, a chance for me to be His instrument at CNU.

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Accepting Christ

My oldest daughter, Abby Rae (5 yrs old), made a life-changing decision on her own this weekend. She told her mommy and me, "I accepted Jesus into my heart last night," very matter of factly. That was the best news I could have heard on a Saturday!

Abby Rae is fairly independent, so it was no surprise that her decision was made in the quietness of her own heart after we put her and her sisters to bed. I'm just reminded of how blessed we are to have children being raised in a Christian home who will know the Lord and know God's Word at an early age. They won't be shielded from life's issues, but they'll have God's strength in their lives to deal with them. That's more than what my wife and I had growing up! What a blessing!

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Church Growing

"So the church throughout Judea, Galilee and Samaria had peace, being edified; and, walking in the fear of the Lord and in the comfort of the Holy Spirit, was multiplied." Acts 9:31 (American Standard Version)

City On A Hill Church hasn't even officially launched, so why in the world am I thinking about growing the church at this point? Well, it's never too early to think about building and growing the Body of Christ: the Church!!

There are a lot of ideas and gimmicks out there to attract people to a church or grow membership as the cartoon above shows. But the Scripture reference from Acts 9:31 really gives us some insight into the Lord's plan for growing His Church. Here are the key components to church growth from this one verse:

1) Peace - When there is peace, there is encouragement and growth - not growth in numbers necessarily, but growth in wisdom and maturity in Christ. The word we see used is edified. The original language indicates that there was construction going on in the heart of the Church. A church that is growing in wisdom and maturity in Christ is a church that is growing in numbers - no doubt!

2) Walking in the fear of the Lord - This expression doesn't refer to a traveling church. Rather it means that the Body was continuing a journey of faith where the people left behind a self-centered philosophy of life and began to focus on God, their relationship with God and obedience to God's will in their lives.

3) (Walking) in the comfort of the Holy Spirit - The original language of the text really gives a much better picture than the English language does. Imagine the Holy Spirit beckoning you nearer; and when you respond, He comforts you, consoles you and inspires you. This is the image that we should get from this phrase. Hearing His voice is where this begins. When was the last time you heard the Holy Spirit's voice?

This one verse alone is the God's recipe for the growth of His Church. Yes, there are many factors that go into "doing church", etc. I understand that. But I also believe we can get distracted with a lot of logistics and details that ultimately don't have anything to do with what God's Word says in Acts 9:31.

Lord, may City On A Hill Church always follow your will for Church growth. May we experience Your peace. May we journey towards a closer relationship with You. May we hear Your voice calling us nearer to You for encouragement and inspiration and may we have the courage to respond.

Monday, July 21, 2008

Hearing from God

After being in Culpeper a month, my wife and I are still getting an opportunity to share our story of God's call on our life to move here from beautiful San Diego. Some people praise God for His call to build His kingdom in Culpeper. Still others listen with skeptical ears. It's the latter group that I'd like to address in this post.

It's interesting to me to watch the skeptics' reactions and hear the tone in their voice when we share our story and calling. I guess there are many people that believe God wouldn't choose ordinary people like us for a radical calling like this. Hmmm... I seem to recall a similar story when a man from Nazareth called some pretty ordinary people to do some extraordinary things about 2000 years ago. The fact is that God has chosen ordinary people to do extraordinary things from the beginning of time. Why do some folks seem to have such a difficulty with that concept? I have a few ideas, I suppose.

As for me, I'm fired up about what the Lord is doing. I know beyond a shadow of a doubt that He's going to do amazing things in and through City On A Hill Church. In fact, He already has, and we haven't even officially launched yet!

So, what's the standard for success in this situation? Does COAHC have to have 200 members by 2010 in order for those doubters to say, "Okay, I was wrong. The Damerons' move to Culpeper was in response to an authentic call of God." Does COAHC have to have 20 converts and baptisms before 4Q2009? What's the standard that these people are using? And how does that compare to what God's standard is?

My family and I stand in agreement that the Father still speaks to His children. What kind of Father would He be if He didn't? He still uses people who are willing to submit their lives to Him. What kind of God would He be if He didn't?

We're not interested in putting God in a box. We don't put limits on what God's will is and whom He chooses to do it. We're blessed to be called by God. We're blessed to be in Culpeper doing His work for His glory! I wish everyone could have a taste of that kind of adventure... that kind of relationship with the Almighty... that kind of radical life change... that kind of success!

Sunday, July 20, 2008

First Day of Training Camp

OK, so the season has officially begun. Today was the first day of the Redskins' Training Camp. If you spend anytime with me, you'll soon learn that I'm a HUGE Redskins fan. The team had two Defensive Ends go down with injuries -that's not good. We'll see how that turns out...

My day's been pretty low-key. Watching the girls while my wife spent some "alone time" in Fredericksburg. We're gearing up for Hope's (our youngest daughter) 2-year B-day party next Saturday. We have the whole moon bounce, Chick-Fil-A catered and 30 invites thing going on. Looking forward to lots of fun!!

Saturday, July 19, 2008

Slip n Slide

So, the heat index is way up again... My body is still adjusting to this climate. San Diego life really spoiled me!

I broke out the Slip N Slide for my daughters today. We have a slight slope on our side yard, so I positioned it just right for the girls to be able to get some good slides. With a 5 year old, 3 year old and a 2 year old, nothing lasts too long. We were outside for maybe 30 minutes or so, but it was fun while it lasted!!

Friday, July 18, 2008


I was down in Norfolk yesterday for my consulting business (tentmaking). I hadn't been in that area in at least 10 years I think. On my way home, I took a detour through Newport News and Christopher Newport University - my alma matter.

Wow! What a different university CNU has become since I graduated in 1991. As I strolled around the campus looking at the new buildings and new landscaping, I caught glimpses of what I remembered about CNU (or CNC as it was formally known as when I was a student). Some of the few buildings we had in the late 80's and early 90's were still in existence. I almost didn't recognize them, though, because of the new landscaping. The new buildings towered over the old ones, so it was difficult to really see "the old campus" in my mind's eye. Only a remnant remained of the old CNC.

I couldn't help begin thinking about how our lives go through a similar transformation. When the Lord gets ahold of us, there is new construction that occurs. There is renovation. And there is demolition. As we journey through our relationship with Christ, only a remnant of who we were BS (before salvation) remains. I thank God for the work He has done in my life. But I also thank God for the remnant that remains for a few different reasons:
a) it helps me remember that I have a testimony and how important it is to share it
b) it helps me remember that I'm still broken and it's in my weakness that He can be made strong
c) it helps me be ever thankful of who I am and who I will be as I grow in Christ

Praise God for the remnant!

Thursday, July 17, 2008

True Love is Not Feeling but Willing

I have a Best of AW Tozier book that I read from frequently in my devo time. This morning I read an excerpt from the book that dealt with our love of Christ. The verse that led me to surrendering my life to Christ in December 1995 is John 14:15 - "If you love me, you will obey my commands." Tozier, without referencing this particular verse, really hits the nail on the head with regard to the connection between obedience and love. He writes about how true love doesn't come from obedience. In other words, someone can't command you to love him/her.

Tozier goes on to explain that there are two kinds of love: a love of feeling and a love of willing. The love that lies in emotions is its own master and rises and falls as it chooses. The love that Jesus talks about is a love of willing, the willed tendency of the heart. Righteousness and holiness come from the will, not emotions.

The commitment of our will leads us to a commitment of following and serving Jesus Christ. The corruption of our will leads us into sin and evil. By willing to put God first in our lives and love Him with everything that we are and everything that we have, we find it much easier for our emotional love to follow genuinely. The consistency of our emotional love is more secure, and there is less risk from the danger of an undisciplines heart.

Lord, may our will lead us into a love affair with you!

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Launching COAHC

Okay, here we go... The date is set. We have our launch date for City On A Hill! We'll start with a home group @ 6pm each Saturday evening beginning August 2. We'll offer a children's ministry right off the bat. My sister, Debbie, has a passion for children and has been working with kids even before she got saved. Children's ministry, Christian education and kids' camps has been her thing for the last several years. She's committed to being a part of our launch team, and I'm really stoked to have her. Debbie's having surgery on her knee on Friday, so we're going to use her "downtime" over the next week or so for planning. As a dad and a pastor, I couldn't think of anyone better to be teaching and leading my kids in their relationship with the Lord.

So, what do you think about the Saturday evening thing? It's kind of funny that the Lord is leading us in that direction because the church where my wife and I met only offered a Saturday evening service for years before growing enough to be in a position to offer something on Sunday too. For us, once we got used to going to church on Saturday evening, it was really hard to change back to a Sunday morning routine. A Saturday evening service will offer COAHC a lot of advantages, especially during the launch period.

I'm so excited!!!

Happy B-Day Pastor Lee McFarland

Lee McFarland used to rub shoulders with Bill Gates when Lee was the Director of Worldwide Operations at Microsoft. Many years ago, he left all that behind to plant Radiant Church in Surprise, AZ - a hugely effective and popular church in Arizona.

Pastor Lee has been kind enough to invest some time into advising me through the planting process of City On A Hill Church. I have appreciated his encouragement and counsel.

Lee's "peeps" put together the video to honor him for his 50th birthday and tell his story. It's great to be able share our testimonies. Isn't it awesome how his church loves him?

Check out Pastor Lee's blog.

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Busy Day Ahead

Have a really busy day ahead chock full of meetings. Will kick things off with the Culpeper Ministerial Meeting. Good to know Christian leaders from different backgrounds are willing to come together to pray and talk about how Christ is affecting the community.

The Lord's leading me to start COAHC off with a home group. Looks like we're going to begin in a couple of weeks. Prayers are appreciated...

Monday, July 14, 2008

Serving the Community

I spent the day helping out at IMPACT Virginia. It's a community outreach event that brings together youth groups and adults from around the state to serve the community through renovations and minor construction projects on homes. There were decks being built, wheelchair ramps, kitchen renovations, painting - and that's just the stuff I saw!

I took a group of young people on a missions trip to Denver last year for a similar event hosted by Group Workcamps. The trip was life-changing for all of our young people and me! I pray IMPACT Virginia will have the same affect on the young people and adults serving this week.

Serving all day, live worship in the evening, awesome fellowship... What more could someone ask for? I definitely look forward to having our youth group at City On A Hill Church participate in this in the future!


Off to participate in IMPACT VA today. It's a community missions event where hundreds of people (mostly youth) gather to serve their community through home renovations, etc. I'm glad I can represent City on a Hill Church in this event! I'll tell ya all about it this evening...

Saturday, July 12, 2008

God is stirring

Received an email from a local pastor in town describing some events that indicates God is really on the move here in Culpeper. There is a stirring that is inspiring people to move. Ghandi said, "We must be the change we seek." There's a great deal of truth in that statement. People have been praying for transformation in Culpeper. God has heard the cries of His people, and now He's moving. We must seek His will and be ready to move - to be His instrument in the process of transformation. What would He have you do?

Thursday, July 10, 2008

A Lamp

What a wonderful day I had. Another day of getting some work done, spending time with the family and meeting some new people in this wonderful community of Culpeper.

In the last year, God has shown me repeatedly that He will not reveal His plans for me for the distant future. As much as I really desire to know "the scoop", that's just not His style. God promises me that His Word is a lamp to my feet. And just the other day I was sharing with someone about how relevant that promise - that Truth - is becoming in my life once again.

A lamp... Not a spotlight. Not a floodlight. Not a light that will shine miles down the path of life for me at my convenience so I can always feel comfortable. God's Word is a lamp that shines just bright enough for me to take the next step without falling. It's a lamp that keeps me safe in the midst of darkness. A lamp that keeps my trust anchored on Him and nothing else.

God has spoken into my life. He has drawn me to Him. He has done miracles in me and through me. And recently He has called me across the country to do His will here in Culpeper. It would have been easy to say, "I'm not going anywhere until You tell me what's going to happen." But I would have missed the adventure. I would have missed the blessings. I would have missed the miracles that He will do in and through COAHC. I'm so glad I'm here. I'm so glad that God's Word has spoken into my life and called me.

Wednesday, July 9, 2008


I've been trying to touch base with several leaders in the Christian community to introduce myself. I went back and forth on how to do it - email, letter or in person - and decided that a personal introduction over coffee or lunch would be the best way to take a first step in developing friendships and relationships with other folks who are already doing ministry in Culpeper.

It's been wonderful meeting the folks I've already had a chance to see. I've met and spent time with leaders from five different churches in the community and have several more meetings lined up over the next week or so. It's great to see that there is an attitude focused on growing the Kingdom instead of territorialism. I was really concerned about that coming to Culpeper.

It's important to me, as the new guy on the block, to meet other Christian leaders and develop friendships so we can prayerfully support one another and encourage one another. We all experience those peaks and valleys when we're entrenched in ministry; so it's good to have brothers and sisters we can rely on for support and encouragement.

After all, we're all in this together - aren't we?

Why Church?

I was reading the post for a recent Our Daily Bread devotional entitled "Why Bother With Church?". Interesting question... It got me thinking about where we are with regard to today's churches in the USA for people like me and church leaders in general.

Church is supposed to be an environment where people grow closer to Christ and to one another. The key word is grow. If that's true, then how do church leaders (eg, pastors, worship leaders, youth leaders and all the countless servants who are "working" during the service) grow via the church experience if we're so busy focusing on helping others grow? The answer isn't a simple one, but it's one with which I think many pastors don't bother challenging themselves. Those people end up experiencing burn-out and the church service experience loses its vigor and authenticity.

"If I'm teaching and leading others in the context of a worship service, how do I grow in the midst of it as well?"

"If I'm so busy making sure the video and audio are working properly, how do I keep myself plugged into what's happening enough so that I experience growth?"

"If I'm teaching 5 year-old children about Moses in a room that's down the hall from the sanctuary, how do I stay connected enough to experience growth?"

The onus isn't just on any one person. It's on all of us. It's up to all of us to ensure growth is happening in our own lives and others. That's the point of the Body coming together! Taking the time to pray with someone... Taking the time to listen... Taking the time to speak a word of encouragement into someone's life... Taking the time to soak in the presence of God instead of being distracted by the task at hand... These are all oppoprtunities for growth believe it or not.

We can get so busy with trying to make the church service perfect that we miss out on what God wants to do in our own lives. I hope and pray that COAHC will always keep the main thing the main thing for our leaders and congregation. May we never miss out on an opportunity for growth!

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

For the kingdom of God is not a matter of talk but of power. 1 Corinthians 4:20 NIV

Wow! Does that just jump off the page or what?!!!

I know people who like to talk about God, but there's no fruit in their lives. Folks, Christianity is not about talking. It's about submitting yourself to the power of the Holy Spirit in order to be used by Him. We only have one life, and every moment is precious. Don't waste a single second. Get in the game and stay in the game! Sure, it's important to share our faith verbally, but don't stop there. Move in the power of the Holy Spirit!

Monday, July 7, 2008

Prior to coming to Culpeper, I formally ministered for over two years, preaching sometimes three days/nights a week. It was nice to have a little break from that during our transition out here, but I really miss it now. There's nothing like teaching someone the Word of God and shepherding someone into a deeper relationship with Christ.

New goal: pray and look for opportunities to minister in Culpeper in some capacity either through local churches or through ministries like Young Life, etc.

Sunday, July 6, 2008

For the last week, I've been watching the USA Olympic Trials for Track & Field. Yep, it's that time already. The sport is precious to me because of all the blood, sweat and tears I spilled during my competition and coaching in it over the years. I'm so thankful for the testimony God has given me through my experience as an athlete and coach. So many stories and teaching moments that can be shared with others... More importantly, many teaching moments for me to remind myself of while I run the race to win the prize.

Saturday, July 5, 2008


This one's for all the parents out there...

Two of my daughters, Abby Rae and Emma, were so excited to watch the fireworks yesterday. They kept asking about it all day. Every time we went in a different direction in the park, they asked if we were going to go somewhere and miss the fireworks. After assuring them dozens of times, we got ready to watch them as 9pm rolled around.

The girls watched with full expectation and I was really excited myself. Within 30 seconds of the first "boom" they were both asking when the display would be over and when we'd be going home. Every few "booms" and "cracks" one would ask, "Are they over yet?"

We endured till the finale. Gotta love kids...


I'm a day late in posting this, but yesterday was really busy with all the festivities. We had a great time celebrating July 4 in Culpeper. The weather wasn't terribly cooperative (it rained off and on), but it was still fun.

Freedom means so many things to so many people. Freedom from addiction... Freedom from destructive behaviors... Freedom from relationships that lead us down wrong paths...

Paul addressed freedom in his letter to the Romans. He explained that through Christ's death, we are offered a different kind of freedom - freedom from the bondage of sin. To truly experience that kind of freedom, we must also experience death similar to Christ's.

What did Jesus say? "To be my disciple, you must pick up your cross and follow me daily."

Paul goes on to say in Romans that in this new found freedom, we must become a slave to righteousness. It is by this that we find holiness - the process of becoming more and more like Jesus Christ Himself. Ultimately, we have eternal life with the Lord.

I love the paradox of Christianity! In freedom, we must become slaves. In death, we find life!! It's important that we don't let the world define these words for us, but the Word of God. In the Word, we find new meaning... new meaning for our lives.

Happy Independence Day!!

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Lawnmowing for the Lord

Sound weird? I thought so, too... at first. I remember our realtor telling us when we first started looking at houses in Culpeper not to consider the neighborhood where we eventually bought our home. "Why?" I asked. She reminded me that with all the foreclosures, homes typically aren't maintained well and the pride of ownership can be lost in a neighborhood resulting in more downward spiraling property values. Certainly makes sense to me. Ultimately, we took our chances, moved into the neighborhood anyway. And I'm really glad we did!

Today will go down as one of the milestones for City on a Hill Church (COAHC). It was an "A-ha!" moment for me. What if I (and, perhaps soon, other people from COAHC) went around our communities and maintained lawns at foreclosed homes? The eyesore of 18 inch lawns disappearing somehow has an incredible effect on people. That's God's love getting relevant in people's lives. That's the fourth foundation of purpose for COAHC: serving our community in practical and relevant ways, demonstrating that God's love is abundant and He cares about the details of our lives.

I mowed the lawn of the house across the street from me today and two neighbors came out to bring me water and ice tea. What an opportunity for God's Light to shine! I look forward to seeing the fruit of this labor.


Culpeper is similar to many suburban areas around the country in that it experienced a large amount of residential and commercial development during the recent real estate boom. There are several new home communities around town as well as a fairly new Wal-Mart, Target, Kohls and other various shops and restaurants.

I was reading 1 Corinthians 3 this morning in my devo time. Paul was writing about how the Church shouldn't be focused on following a particular pastor or leader, instead be focused on Christ Who is the Head of the Church (see Colossians 2:10). When I drive around town and see the development and growth that has taken place, my attention and focus is on the actual growth. I'm not thinking about the person who was responsible for pouring the concrete or the person who was holding the hammer in his hand. The fruit of the development is the new home or new store or new restaurant that has a purpose in the community. That's what matters most.

Lord, may City on a Hill Church always be about bearing fruit in the community, glorifying You. May it never be about me or any other leader in the church. I hope 20 years from now, City on a Hill Church will have grown and developed all kinds of deep relationships with Christ all around town, but may all those who see that fruit recognize our Lord as the source of all those good things!