Friday, February 27, 2009

Spiritual Warfare

Last night in our Life Group, we had a wonderful conversation about Spiritual Warfare. There are a number of people at City on a Hill Church that are experiencing uncommon spiritual attacks. A spiritual attack can look like anything from problems with employment to problems within the family. It is important, however, to keep a balanced perspective on this concept and not assign every bad circumstance (eg, delayed arrival due to heavy traffic) to Spiritual Warfare. Sometimes we are simply victims of our circumstances.

When Jesus experienced Spiritual Warfare (Matthew 4:1-11), he combatted the enemy with the Truth of Scripture. Scripture, indeed, is the weapon that Satan's evil cannot defeat. Satan wants to attack with lies and deception. Scripture clarifies the truth for us.

Here are just a few wonderful rebuttals we can use as we wage war in our own lives:

It is written that when I speak according to the Word and will of God, heaven responds. (Mark 11:23-24)

It is written that if I believe on Him, I am not condemned. (John 3:18)

It is written that Jesus wants me to do what He did and He has equipped me with His Holy Spirit to do just that. (John 14:12-14)

It is written that I am loved by Jesus. (John 15:9)

It is written that I have been freed from all things. (Acts 13:39)

It is written that I am comforted by God. (2 Cor 1:4)

It is written that I am the righteousness of God in Him. (2 Cor 5:21)

It is written that I am a fellow partaker of the promise of Christ Jesus. (Epheisans 3:6)

It is written that He who began a good work in me will perfect it until the day of Christ Jesus. (Philippians 1:6)

It is written that the peace of God guards my heart and mind. (Philippians 4:7)

It is written that I can do all things through Him who strengthens me. (Philippians 4:13)

It is written that I am taught by God to love others. (1 Thess 4:9)

It is written that I am made holy through Jesus' own blood. (Hebrews 13:12)

Thursday, February 26, 2009

To Know Is To Love

This weekend I'm preaching on the story of Jesus' encounter with the Samaritan woman at Jacob's Well found in the Gospel of John 4:1-42. I came across the video in my research.

Have you ever been driving down the street and seen someone holding a sign asking for money? Are you repulsed by that person? Perhaps you've been sitting in a coffee shop or restaurant and seen someone sitting alone and crying. Do you feel sorry for this person? As I make these observations, I can't help but wonder, "How did this person get here? What's this person's story?"

The woman at the well has a story - one that has made her an outcast in her own community. Yet Jesus has a divine appointment with her to let her know that He knows her story and that He loves her. In fact, Jesus has chosen this particular woman to reveal His divinity. She is the only person prior to Jesus' trial to whom He specifically said that He was the Messiah.

The next time we see someone on the street corner, in a restaurant or at the store, we can remember that that person has a story - a story about which Jesus knows and cares. What's your story?

Wednesday, February 25, 2009


My wife shared the following story with me last night...

She was having tea with our daughter Emma (4 years old) at Raven's Nest on East Davis Street last evening. My wife told Emma to look at all the beautiful brick buildings along the street. My wife was noticing how old, yet sturdy and nice everything looked. Emma responded, "Yea, and if a wolf comes down the street, he won't be able to blow any of them over."

It's all about perspective isn't it?

Tuesday, February 24, 2009


In the Experiencing God curriculum we're studying for our Life Groups, we're discussing how God speaks to us. This week, one of the things we read was about how God speaks to us in our circumstances.

So often, I hear people accuse God of not caring or disappearing when circumstances are going badly. I don't hear enough people praising God when circumstances are going well. Why is that?

Our circumstances can certainly confuse us sometimes. In the Bible, Job's circumstances confused practically everyone (except God, of course). Thankfully, Job had the right idea when he said, "The Lord gives and the Lord takes away. Blessed be the name of the Lord."

God is not the only one who opens and closes doors. He's certainly not the author of confusion and he's not the designer of destruction in our lives. Regardless of how bad our circumstances are and how difficult it is to see God's hand at work in our lives, we can rest in the Truth of Scripture that promises us, "I am with you always."

Instead of looking at God from the middle of your circumstances, try looking at your circumstances from God's perspective. The Holy Spirit will use God's Word to reveal to you the truth of your situation.

Monday, February 23, 2009


This is a very busy time of the year for the Christian calendar. This week alone, there is Shrove Tuesday and Ash Wednesday which marks the beginning of Lent.

Shrove Tuesday actually commemorates the preparation for the Lenten season. Shrove is an Old English word that translates to "to repent". Shrove Tuesday is also known as Mardi Gras ("fat Tuesday"), contrasting to the fasting during Lent. In many areas around the world, this day is also called Pancake Day because it is customary to eat pancakes on this day. It's a shame that the world has put a very different meaning to this time with the drunkenness and debauchery that goes on in places like New Orleans.

Ash Wednesday is a day that marks the beginning of the Lenten Season. On Ash Wednesday, it is some churches' tradition to mix anointing oil with ashes and mark the foreheads of believers with the sign of the cross. This mark signifies their sorrow and mourning at the death of Jesus. Ash Wednesday is supposed to be a somber day in which we reflect about what needs to happen in our lives if we are to fully reflect Christ.

The season of Lent includes 40 days (excluding Sundays) before Easter Sunday. It is a time of fasting, praying and service commemorating the sacrifice that Jesus made in His death on the cross.

At City on a Hill Church, we don't officially celebrate this calendar with services exclusively devoted to the purpose of these days, but it is good for us to remember and adjust our lives accordingly.

Shrove Tuesday - What habits are there in your life that require repentance?
Ash Wednesday - What needs to change in your life so Christ can be more fully reflected to the world around you?
Lent - What needs to be removed from your life so that you can experience God with more clarity and fullness?

Friday, February 20, 2009

Future Worship Leader?

OK, so I'm a proud dad. I love it when my kids demonstrate that they have a relationship with Jesus Christ. Last night at the end of our Life Group, Abby Rae asked if she could perform a song for us. Perhaps a future worship leader in the making???

Thursday, February 19, 2009

"We're Not Going to Guam, Are We?"

Pilot Frank to Jack Shepherd: "We're not going to Guam, are we?"

I love this line from last night's episode of Lost. I'm totally hooked on this show, and Carrie and I enjoy watching every suspenseful second together on Wednesday nights after our Life Group is done.

We can plan all we want, but sometimes God just simply takes our plans and ideas and chucks them right out the window. I had that happen to me again yesterday. The wonderful thing is that when we allow God to interrupt us with His plans, our day simply becomes holier - set apart for a purpose.

Henry and Richard Blackaby and Claude King write in the Experiencing God workbook, "It isn't wrong to plan. Just be careful not to plan more than God intends for you to do. Let God interrupt or redirect your plans anytime He wants. Remain in a close relationship with Him so you can always hear His voice when he speaks to you."

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Culpeper Update

How many communities celebrate the things of God openly and publicly? Culpeper does. How many communities have representatives from different churches and denominations gather together every week and pray for the education system, local government and local businesses? Culpeper does. How many communities gather together every Thanksgiving for a community service of celebration and preaching of God's Word? Culpeper does.

On May 7, the community of Culpeper will gather together on the steps of Town Hall and celebrate the National Day of Prayer.

On May 31, the community of Culpeper will gather together in Yowell Meadow Park and celebrate the Global Day of Prayer.

In mid September, the community of Culpeper will gather together for an entire weekend and celebrate its 250th anniversary, including a time spent with God.

In November, the community of Culpeper will once again gather together to celebrate Thanksgiving with a church service that will be hosted by all of our community churches and will hopefully include a guest speaker that is known well around the world for his relationship with Christ in the midst of a secular society.

I'm proud to be a part of a community that isn't afraid to come together and proclaim Jesus as our Lord and Savior!

Monday, February 16, 2009


God pulled the ole' "switcherooni" on me this weekend. I had planned on finishing up our discussion of the Parable of the Sower on Sunday morning. I studied, wrote my sermon and got all of the administrative things done (eg, outline, powerpoint) before taking Carrie out to dinner for Valentine's Day. While we ate dinner, our discussion was led (as it normally does) to COAHC and what God is doing in our Body. As our discussion progressed, the Lord gave us both a sense that He wanted to do something different on Sunday morning than what we had planned.

The Lord gave Carrie and I both the same Word as we talked about Moses' struggles with walking in obedience to God's calling. It was obvious God was impressing His will upon both of our hearts to minister to our family at COAHC. So, Sunday's sermon was not on the Parable of the Sower, but instead on stepping out in faith in our lives and stopping the excuses that we so often give.

In these kinds of circumstances, I don't pretend to know all the details of why God leads us to change our plans. It's my responsibility to simply hear Him and follow. I leave the impact up to the work of the Holy Spirit. I know the Spirit moved in the hearts of our people though as I watched the facial expressions and body language of everyone. We had a sweet time at the alter afterward as well when some came forward for prayer.

I'm so glad I'm a servant of the God who loves His people as much as He does. He cares for us so much that He'll interrupt a pastor's plans for preaching to give His children the spiritual nourishment we need when we need it.

Interrupt me anytime, Lord. Change my plans whenever You'd like, Most Holy God. I am Your servant and instrument to be used however You see fit.

Friday, February 13, 2009


Just got back from the weekly prayer time at Pray Culpeper where people from our communities (pastors, leaders, anyone and everyone) gather to pray for Culpeper. As we were finishing up, we quickly raised the issue of how important relationships are in our lives. Without relationships, Jesus' ministry would have been very different - and dare I say, ineffective.

The Great Commission states to go out and make disciples of every nation. A person can get saved at an evangelistic outreach like a crusade without a relationship with the one giving the message. However, no one can become a disciple without a relationship. It takes mentoring, an authentic relationship and an investment made by someone for a new believer to become a disciple of Jesus Christ. A disciple, by definition, requires relationship.

The Church doesn't need any more people who are mere converts. We need disciples!

So... who's God calling you to begin a relationship with this weekend?

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Fear & Praying Out Loud

Last night, in our Life Group, we had a conversation about the things in our relationship with Christ that are prevented from growing because of fear. One of the most commons issues people struggle with is praying out loud. (Can I get an "Amen" brother or sister?)

Here are but a few Truths to remember about our struggle with praying out loud:
-When we pray, our audience is God only, not the other people in the room with us.
-If God is our only audience, then pray from the heart, using words that are authentic and sincere. Just be yourself!
-Our model for prayer is what is found in Scripture only. The model or standard of prayer is not the eloquent prayer that "Joe Schmo" across the room just prayed.
-If the reason why I don't like to pray is that I am fearful of what others may think of me, the words I choose and how I pray, I must recognize that all of those reasons are based in vanity and pride - which is not from God.
-If my conflict to pray out loud is rooted in fear, then I know that is not from God. God is perfect (Matt 5:48). God is love (1 John 4:8). Perfect love casts out fear (1 John 4:18).
-While the Bible gives us instruction to pray humbly in private (see Matthew 6:5-6), the Bible is also replete with examples of people praying for others out loud which infers that we, too, are called to pray out loud. For example, Jesus placed His hands on children and prayed for them in front of the disciples (See Matthew 19:13-15).
-Praying for someone out loud creates a supernatural, divine connection between you and that person.
-Scripture nowhere condemns public prayer, but rather how to do it appropriately.

Here are some simple tips on growing in this area of your relationship with Christ:
-During your devotional time, practice praying out loud by yourself instead of praying silently.
-Practice praying out loud at opportune times like before meals.
-Know that the full Word of God is in no single person, so realize that there is no such thing as a perfect prayer that has been uttered from man's mouth.
-When you run out of words to say and you're just not sure what to pray next, remember Romans 8:26-"In the same way, the Spirit helps us in our weakness. We do not know what we ought to pray for, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us with groans that words cannot express."

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Carnation Giveaway

I'm looking forward to Friday and Saturday. On Friday, City on a Hill Church is going to distribute a single carnation flower to every female staff member at Culpeper Middle School and Culpeper Christian School. Then on Saturday, we're going to distribute carnation flowers to ladies as they enter Wal-Mart from 10am to 12noon (or as long as supplies last).

We celebrate Valentine's Day as a day for romance. The Greeks called this kind of love eros (we get the English word erotic from this Greek word). We want to remind folks that every day we should be celebrating agape (unconditional) love with our neighbors.

Happy Valentine's Day Culpeper!

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Wasting Time

Have you ever had a moment when the light bulb just comes on and you realize, "Wow! I'm really wasting my time!"

This morning, I've spent a few hours working on one of the computers in our home. It needs to be done, but there are many other things I wanted to accomplish this morning. I really feel like I've wasted this morning, and I can't get back that time.

I would like to think that I live my life trying to make the most of every moment. We never know how much time we have on this earth, so when the end of my time comes, I'd like to be able to look back and say with confidence, "I wasted very little time."

How about you? What is included in your daily routine that could be categorized as "time wasted?"

Monday, February 9, 2009


Yesterday was one of those landmark days. The Holy Spirit really poured Himself out on everyone in our service. Worship was sweet. Fellowship was genuine. God moved through the Word, and I could see hearts being transformed before my very eyes. The prayer time at the alter was a first for us, but certainly not the last.

I love being pastor to City on a Hill Church!

Friday, February 6, 2009

Pray Culpeper

We had a regulary scheduled Friday prayer session during the noon hour to lift up the community of Culpeper to our Lord. Today was a great time! We had more people than we've had in a long time, and the prayers were inspired and led by the Holy Spirit. We ended our time with singing a couple of worship songs.

It's always great spending time with other brothers and sisters, praying for our community.

Thursday, February 5, 2009


In the last year, I've spent more and more time reading other people's blogs. One of the reason I love a blog is that it gives insight to the reader into what's happening in the life of the blogger. It's a journal in many senses. I know many of my posts are inspired by things going on in my life as a husband, father or pastor. Blogs are also great because they are usually very insightful with regard to Biblical Truth. They are instructional on how to grow closer to Christ or be a better leader.

Here are some blogs that I read regularly:
Mark Batterson -
Lee McFarland -
Wes Shortridge -
Mosaic Church-Culpeper -
Stuff Christians Like -
Scot McKnight - -
Steven Furtick -
Mark Driscoll -

So, what blogs do you read? Comment...

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

The Sex Pastor

Ed Young of Fellowship Church was recently on Comedy Central to talk about the "Sexperiment" with which his church challenged the congregation. Check out the video below. Pretty bold concept, but I love it!

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Approval Ratings

During the last year or so, President Bush's approval ratings plummeted to new depths. Right now President Obama's approval ratings are pretty high. If there was a way to test the approval ratings right now for you, how do you think you'd fair - among your family, your friends, your coworkers?

One of the biggest truths we all must face is that there are times when we seem to do no wrong in the eyes of others, and then there are times when it seems we can't do anything right. If we base our identity in the approval of others, we're in for a rollercoaster ride. However, basing our identity in Christ is what we need to and should do.

"For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith - and this not from yourselves, it is the gift of God - not by owkrs, so that no one can boast. For we are God's workmanship created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do." Ephesians 2:8-10

The word workmanship in the original Greek language is "poiema" which is the word from which we get "poem". The literal translation means "masterpiece". In other words, we're God's masterpiece - you, me and every single person that has ever lived.

Psalm 139:13-14 reminds us "For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother's womb. I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful."

The approval rating was declared when God created every detail about you while you were still in your mother's womb. The approval rating was finalized when Jesus died on the cross for you. When you have the approval rating of the Lord God Almighty, there is no need for any other ratings!

Monday, February 2, 2009

Homeless Shelter Ministry

We're back at St. Stephen's Episcopal Church this week overseeing the Homeless Shelter Ministry. In December, City on a Hill Church partnered with two other small churches in our community to oversee the ministry. I really felt like God was calling us to step up and oversee the ministry for a week all by ourselves.

I have to admit, the call scared me a little, but I know deep down that Jehovah Jireh will provide the volunteers and resources we need. I challenged our church a week ago and then I preached on how being a servant can lead to an extraordinary life using Nehemiah as the primary example.

When God calls us to follow, taking that first step is sometimes the hardest. When (not if) we complete our week and we've succeeded in being the Church, I hope and pray that our example will be a model for many other small churches to take on the Goliaths in our community.

Pittsburgh World Champs

Very cool to see Pittsburgh win their 6th Superbowl title. No other team can say they have six Lombardi trophies. I was actually rooting for the underdog Cardinals, but since my team (Skins) weren't playing, it didn't really matter much to me.

I listened to the game on the radio last night while serving at the Homeless Shelter Ministry. I believe that's the first Superbowl I haven't watched live on TV since the mid 1970's. I TIVO'd the game, so hopefully I'll get a chance to watch it at some point during the day today.

Congrats Steelers' fans. You cheer a team that is unlike any other!