Monday, March 12, 2012

Happy Anniversary Carrie

Today, I celebrate thirteen years with my bride, my companion, my friend, my wife. This blog post is dedicated to you, my beloved Carrie...

Our marriage is a testimony to the greatness of God's mercy, the abundance of His grace and the fullness of His love for us who seek Him and His ways in spite of our brokenness. Our Lord introduced us as friends when our hearts were still being made whole. He opened our eyes when we were ready to see and not before. He kindled the flame in our hearts and fanned it into passion. Every day, He stokes the fire in my heart for you.

These thirteen years have not been easy. We've had wonderful, memorable moments together. We've also experienced our share of difficult times, which have only made us stronger in our commitment to one another and God's plan for our family.

You, Carrie, are the love of my life. God has equipped and empowered you perfectly to be my helper. I could not accomplish nearly what I do without your love, support and prayers. Thank you for the forgiveness you've showered upon me mercifully. Thank you for the strength you speak into and over me. Thank you for the respect you give to me time and time again - even when I don't deserve it.

I look so forward to the next thirteen years! God will continue to give us an excitement for one another as well as for the future He has for our family. I adore you, and I love you more than words could ever express. Happy anniversary!