So here's the other top ten lessons I've learned in the last couple of years...
6 - What God starts, He finishes.
God initiated the call to Culpeper from San Diego. As crazy as it sounded, I was really excited because I knew it was the Lord. When we started City on a Hill Church, there were weekends when I wasn't sure if anyone would show up at all. In fact, there was one service when it was only my family and me - that's it, no one else. During those times, I doubted God's hand in COAHC. Even though it didn't feel like God was doing anything, He was doing something. He doesn't start something and then not finish it!
7 - Don't compare myself to others.
It would be easy to try and mimic others in order to succeed. We could fashion a logo that looks similar to a soft drink. We could acquire funds to build a family center. We could do all sorts of things trying to mimic other larger churches in order to draw a crowd. We'll never be Mountain View, Culpeper Baptist, New Spring, Elevation or any other church that's out there. We're City on a Hill Church, and I'm me - that's it! In order for God's will to be done in and through me, I've got to be me. I don't want to be the best Andy Stanley or Steve Furtick impersonator. I am simply the best GW Dameron anyone will ever be!
8 - Apathy kills any hope of accomplishing God's will.
In the last two years, I've seen more apathy and lukewarmness than I've ever cared to see. Too many people are content with mediocrity and settling for less than what God wants for them. Why? Because it's manageable. It's easier even though it's miserable. God hates apathy! It makes Him want to vomit according to Revelation 3:16. It cheapens grace, the most costly and extravegant gift God could ever give us. God was so passionate about His love for us, He died for us. Can we show just a little more passion people? Just a little?
9 - God's opinion is the most important opinion.
While judging your motives and methods, people will judge your level of success. It's based, however, on their own idea and concept of success, not God's. How many people are a part of COAHC? What kind of building do you have? How good's your worship? I've learned that the only measure of success is knowing God's opinion. God's opinion is the most important thing to me, because He's going to be the one saying to me on that day, "Well done, good and faithful servant." No one else's kuddos even come close. I know His opinion will be favorable as long as I'm staying close to Him, following and listening and obeying.
10 - It's okay to make mistakes. God doesn't expect me to be perfect.
So much of what we do at COAHC is an experiment. I don't mind when we try something and it fails. I don't pretend that I'm perfect. I've made, and will make, mistakes all the time. My decisions as a pastor aren't fool-proof. God hasn't called me or anyone else in leadership at COAHC to be perfect, only submissive to His will.
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