Wednesday, December 16, 2009


I'm stoked about what God is getting ready to do! This is one of those things that I'm as confident about as when He first called us to Culpeper to plant City on a Hill Church.

Get ready young adults.... rebirth is coming!

Young people in college and in their 20's are leaving the Church in droves. Why? I believe they're leaving because the Church has failed them. The Church has failed to teach them how to truly love God with all of their heart, soul, mind and strength. When you don't love God with everything, it's too easy to turn away when doubt creeps in and hard times create a lot of hard questions.

COAHC is launching a new ministry to young adults who are out of high school and through their 20's / early 30's. This is an another opportunity to reach and teach young adults how to love God with everything they are. This is ... rebirth.

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