Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Watching Olympics

Carrie and I have enjoyed watching a little bit of the Olympics each evening. That Michael Phelps is truly amazing. The fact that he's volunteered to be a guinea pig for drug testing is great, too. I hope that, years from now, we can still look back and commend him for all the hard work and achievements he's had. I'm sorry to say that I can't look at an athlete who has achieved as much as he without a hint of skepticism creeping in my mind. Guess that's the world we live in...

I can't close this blog, though, without commenting on a piece we watched tonight. They did a special on Panda bears in China. The piece focused on the efforts to increase reproduction and, consequently, the population of Pandas in China. The spotlight was on "Lu-Lu", the stud Panda. The kicker was that to help get Lu-Lu stimulated, they showed him videos of other Pandas mating... Panda Pornography?! Are you kidding me? There are just so many things wrong with that whole thing it would take diagrams and charts to explain fully. LOL! What could possibly top that?

Will I ever stop being surprised at the degredation of society?

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