Thursday, June 24, 2010

What We Want

A healthy relationship has tension. It can be tension of a variety of sorts, but usually in a marriage, the tension has something to do with relationship and work. Men are, by nature, goal-oriented and task-driven. We allow our job and success in that job to define our identity. Women, on the other hand, are more relationship-oriented.

Seventy percent of married women would rather endure financial struggles than a lack of closeness in their marriage. (Source: For Men Only by Shaunti and Jeff Feldhahn, Multnomah, 2006)

The tension that exists should propel men to meet the relational needs of their family and allow women to see the value of work, goals and tasks in a man's life. Healthy tension creates a give- and-take that involves communication and compromise that is other-centered.

Ladies, men want to provide for you and give you the world. Men, ladies would rather have you than anything else. Let the tension bring you together instead of drive you apart.

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