Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Known For Something

What is your church known for in your community?

Every local congregation got its start (or should have, anyway) because God called a person or group of people together with a specific vision on how to reach people for Christ in that particular community. In other words, each and every church should have a niche in its community that is unique and specific to that particular group of believers doing ministry.

There are some who would start a church for the wrong reasons. Here are just a few wrong reasons to start a church:
-"There isn't any presence of our denomination in this community, so let's go plant a church there.
-"I need a job/steady income, so I'm going to plant a church in this community."
-"___ church is really successful in that community over there, and there's nothing like that here, so I'm going to plant that kind of church in this community."

First things first. Make sure the call is from God and not from your own personal desires for attention, prestige or greed. Make sure the vision for your church plant is the vision for your church plant, and not someone else's vision. Lastly, make sure your church is fulfilling a unique role in your community. We don't need churches on every corner just for the sake of having more churches.

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