Have you noticed? We're in the midst of a reformation.
Not unlike the reformation of the 16th century, the Church is changing dramatically as a result of this reformation. The face of evangelicalism is shifting from the image of Billy Graham to a mosaic of those who comprise the Church today: those whose voices we hear on the radio, the faces we see on TV. More importantly, the mosaic includes you and me.
The Church is shifting from a self-centered, consumer-driven corporation to a Christ-worshiping, other-centered, missional operation with purpose and fresh inspiration. It no longer solely depends on the person standing behind the pulpit on Sunday morning, but involves the hands and feet of those sitting in the chairs and pews. Christians are standing up and shouting, "Here am I, Lord. Send me!" The tradition and rituals of our local church heritage are no longer our identity, and our faith is being lived out where the rubber meets the road.
Legalism and pomp and circumstance are being destroyed by grace and the realization that we're all just a bunch of sinners in need of a Savior. It's no longer about what's on the surface. It's the transformation on the inside that matters the most. Church is taking on a new definition, or dare I say an old one. It's no longer a building with a steeple. It's a gathering of people who have proclaimed Jesus Christ as Savior, Redeemer, Lord and King.
We're in the midst of a reformation. Have you noticed?
Heck yeah I've noticed! And I want to continue throwing myself into whatever He wants to do! And that means throwing my inhibitions and preconceived notions out the proverbial window and trying things! God never steers me wrong! :)
You're right, Brother! We hear this holy rumbling getting louder and louder and it's shaking the institutions and organizations that glorify man or glorify a denomination.
It's all about Jesus and anything built on anything else will not stand. We will see less organization and administration and more body of Christ ministry as we yield to the Holy Spirit and allow God to shatter our boxes that we've tried to limit Him to. When people walk into our gatherings, they will not be able to discern "who" is in charge as they look for a "leader". Jesus will be the true head and every member will be operating under Him in complete unity wherever He has placed them in the body.
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