Thursday, February 4, 2010

Sunday Service vs. Snow

This weekend, the two toughest teams in the NFL face off head-to-head for the Superbowl. In a similar battle for the ages, the wintry weather is squaring off against our local church services. Unfortunately, this is pretty much a one-sided battle. The snow's going to cancel most, if not all, services in the Culpeper area on Sunday morning for the third time this winter season.

City on a Hill Church is doing what it can to keep our local body connected with one another. When the normal routine doesn't work, think outside the box! We're considering the possibility of hosting church service over a web/telephone conference.

As a consultant in the pharmaceutical research industry, I utilize these meetings all the time for my job - at least monthly. People can hear one another over the telephone and those with internet access can also see slides or even video. It doesn't matter where you are. If you have access to a telephone line and/or internet connection, then you have access!

When you can use technology to bridge the gaps of distance between people, it helps tremendously. So, why not use it for the Church? I'm definitely not suggesting we use this technology on a regular basis as a substitute for meeting together live and in person; but when we can't get together due to weather, let's get creative and stay connected!

If the weather prevents us from meeting this weekend, expect an alternative like this to be offered. Check our website for details as we get closer to Sunday.

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