Tuesday, February 9, 2010


Saddleback Church (Rick Warren) is hosting Radicalis for pastors/leaders. Today and Friday (Wed and Thur maybe too) are being webcast for free. I listened to Rick Warren, Perry Noble and Andy Stanley for several hours today - sometimes uninterrupted listening and sometimes just in the background. I have to confess that I haven't been fed like that in a long time.

Rick Warren opened up by explaining his philosophy on how we, as Christians, need to be more rooted. Radicalis is the word that means "root." In other words, we've got to be rooted in the Lord. This hit home so hard for me as I believe we need to be more rooted in the Lord via more connected to the Body of Christ. Too many of us think we can be rooted in Christ without being connected and committed to the Church. Sorry, it doesn't work!

Perry Noble continued by talking about being more rooted in our devotion to the Lord. Andy Stanley wrapped up the day by teaching how to preach in a more rooted way.

I have so many ideas for future sermons right now, it isn't even funny!

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