Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Snow Days

Last weekend, we got hit with another snow storm. Most churches canceled services on Sunday. Fortunately, we were blessed with the flexibility to postpone our Sunday service a few hours, let the roads clear a bit and host our service in the afternoon. What a great service it was, too! We served a home-cooked meal afterward and had some great fellowship with our church family.

We're expecting more snow this week. I've heard that another major storm is supposed to hit us sometime this month. Who knows? God does!

Regardless, we'll do everything we can to open our doors and host service each and every weekend. We may have to be creative in our timing, but that's okay by me. Having said all of this, our church family's health and safety is of the utmost importance. We aren't going to endanger lives for the sake of having a service. Church isn't defined by our building and it isn't our Sunday service. Church is defined as you and me. Where 2 or more are gathered, there will He be in the midst. With today's technology, we can experience God's presence for a weekend over the internet or television. Of course, we can't forsake gathering together, but a weekend here and there isn't going to do damage to anyone's spiritual life.

Let's commit to continue praying for one another and look savor each and every opportunity to gather together in fellowship and worship of our Lord Jesus Christ!

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