Saturday, January 23, 2010

Warming Shelter

Last night, we had 13 guests stay overnight at the warming shelter. Each and every one of them are beautiful people with their own stories. I'm glad that only two or three are "carry-overs" from last year. Most of the folks from last year have either moved on or been able to find their own housing. I do hope that trend continues in Culpeper.

Each evening, we are able to share a devotional with those who want to participate. Over the last week, our devotionals have centered on some great, relevant topics for these folks: facing your fears; finding identity in Christ; trusting God; why bad things happen to good people; and understanding God's discipline.

As a result, more and more of our guests have been participating in the evening devotions and more are becoming curious about a relationship with God. At least one or two who aren't a part of a church want to come to City on a Hill Church on Sunday.

This is what I call complete ministry: meeting practical needs as well as leading them deeper into a relationship with Christ. I pray that complete ministry continues each and every week at the shelter.

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