Thursday, November 5, 2009


Have you ever considered who or what the biggest influences on your life are? Influence is important not just for every leader, but for every believer. Having good influences in your life can help you establish a firmer stand on the Rock or help you get pushed this way and that depending on your circumstances.

Firstly, consider the people with whom you surround yourself - your friends and family. Are they the kind of people that influence you towards a deeper, richer relationship with Jesus Christ? Or are they the kind of people who constantly challenge your relationship with the Lord?

Secondly, consider the influential things in your life. These include the kind of job you have, the kind of material possessions you own, the kind of radio station you listen to in your car, the kind of TV shows you watch at home and the kind of books and magazines you read. The media influences every single person in greater ways than you may expect. Are you being influenced by a worldview or a Christianview?

Lastly, consider what kind of influence you are to others. Are you influencing those with whom you come into contact towards an authentic relationship with God or are you influencing them towards... nothing. Jesus said, "You're either for me or against me." In other words, if you aren't an influence for the Kingdom of God, you're an influence for the enemy. You can't be Switzerland in this scenario. There's no such thing as neutral ground.

Influence is important and needs our attention.

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