Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Come Out of the Desert

The Lord gave me a powerful Word on Sunday morning to share with our church. It has resonated so deeply in my soul for the last two days that I simply must share it again.

The Lord led me to Joshua 1 where Joshua and the Israelites were coming out of spending the last 40 years in the desert. God was leading them into the promised land. But there was hesitancy. There was fear. Why?

When we become familiar with something and it's manageable, we get comfortable - even if it's misery. That's what was going on with the Israelites. They were miserable, but they come to a place where their misery was manageable.

God had something so much more for them - a land of milk and honey and the fulfillment of a promise. Yet, they were afraid because it was unknown territory.

We are the same way. We stay in sin even though we're miserable because it's familiar and manageable.

What promised land is God leading you to today? In what desert experience have you been wandering? It's time to cross the Jordan River into the land of milk and honey and experience all that God wants for you.

1 comment:

Cindy Q. said...

It's amazing that I'm reading this today, GW. The Lord has been telling me this for the past 2 months! He spoke to me loud and clear and told me that I've spent the last 30 years wandering around in the desert because of my lack of obedience to Him.

Thank God for his saving grace. Even though I've been lost in sin, He never gave up on me. I have begun the journey across that river and cannot wait to see what He's had there waiting for me all this time.