Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Doubts and Distractions

In 1 Kings 13, we read about a young prophet who was fulfilling God's instructions. In the midst of fulfilling the call, an older prophet entered the scene. The older prophet distracted the younger and caused him to be disobedient. The result wasn't pretty. The younger prophet ends up getting killed by a lion.

In the last two years, I, as a pastor, and the vision of City on a Hill Church have been rejected and questioned many times. Just a couple of weeks ago, my ability to lead City on a Hill Church was challenged by another pastor via his questions about my formal training as a church planter.

I could easily allow those rejections, challenges and questions to distract me. They could cause me to think, "Well, maybe I shouldn't do this. Maybe I can't do this. Maybe God was wrong in calling me."

In the midst of the doubts and distractions, the Lord's voice becomes clearer than anything in my head. "This is what I have called you to do. I called you for this task."

I'm so thankful that God's voice is the voice that I need to listen to and obey above all others. And I'm so thankful that it's God's power and not mine that has made City on a Hill Church what it is!

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