Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Next Level

I'm really excited!

Ever since the Lord first began to reveal His vision for City on a Hill Church to me, there was never a goal to have a minimum number of people committed to our church before we began serving the community with our services and outreaches. Different churches have different visions. We're all unique to a large degree, and if the vision is authentically from the Lord (and not of human origins), then we should celebrate God's creativity.

The Lord has impressed upon me over and over again in our start-up process that it doesn't require 20, 30 or 40 people to be the Church. Every single one of us is the Church. Each one of us is a member of the Body of Christ. Every single Christian is equipped and empowered by the Holy Spirit. There's great potential in making an impact in every single one of us.

So, with that we're taking COAHC to the next level with the group of people we have.

-Services will begin at Sycamore Park Elementary School beginning this Saturday - 6pm.
-Moving from mp3 and iWorship video to live worship this weekend
-Serving the community in relevant and practical ways: prayer walks around the schools, "Dollar Drop" at Target & Wal-Mart, serving lunch to Culpeper Town Police Dept to name a few.

God reminded me the other day, "Don't waste your time worrying about 'doing church' and just focus on 'being the Church'." What a wonderful reminder!

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