Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Dangerous Faith

A while back I posted a blog on Mark Batterson's new book Wild Goose Chase. While reading it, I couldn't help but feel as though he and I had many long conversations about faith, my life and our walks with God. There were so many points he made in his book about pursuing God's call and purpose in our lives that were very similar to the circumstances in my life presently. It was as if Mark and I had been talking about my family's move to Virginia and the launching of City on a Hill Church. Of course, we've never met, and he has no idea who I am or anything about COAHC.

Wild Goose Chase encourages us to break out of the different cages that hold us captive in our lives from pursuing God's purpose for us with real authenticity and real passion. When we pursue God, it often feels as though we're on a wild goose chase because things don't often make sense. In fact, Mark goes on to say that pursuing God is a very disorienting experience!

Our move to Virginia and the launch of City on a Hill Church has been a disorienting process to say the least! There are so many things that just don't seem to make logical sense. Nevertheless, I'm confident that God is calling the shots in this. Who am I to argue?!

If we wait for everything to make sense... If we wait for all of the stars to align and the circumstances to be just right... Where's the faith in that? The example Mark uses in his book and the example I used just recently shared with a friend is found in Joshua Ch 3. God commands the Israelites to carry the ark across the Jordan River. Well, at that time, the water was at flood level. God commands the Israelites, "When you reach the edge of the Jordan's waters, go and stand in the river."

I can just imagine the Israelites' responses:
"What? Are you kidding me?" (lack of belief)
"The water is at flood level! That's too dangerous!" (lack of faith and trust)
"But I'll get wet and messy!" (focused on ourselves instead of what God wants)
"God, I thought we were going to cross the river!" (presumptions)
"This is the ark we're talking about here, God!" (as if we know better than God)
"Where's the whole parting of the Red Sea miracle thing, Lord?" (wanting circumstances to look the way we think they should look)

It was not until the Israelites feet touched the water's edge that God receded the waters and allowed them to cross the river to Jericho. Not a second too soon, not a second too late. Perfect timing...

God wants us to experience life with Him through dangerous faithful living. Safety is overrated! (Disclaimer: I'm not talking about jumping out of an airplane without a parachute and testing God.) If God calls us to something for His purpose in our lives, our response should simply be obedience - regardless of what we think the circumstances should look like, regardless of our presumptions about God. It's through this type of obedience that we escape from the cages in life to experience freedom the way Christ intended for us!

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