Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Say What?

Repeating our vision is something I never get tired of talking about to our church. It's a vision that was spoken to me by God's Holy Whisper before the church was launched. It was the reason why our family moved across the country to Culpeper. And it's the reason why our church has been so blessed over the last two-and-a-half years.

Last weekend, we kicked off a series entitled Climate Change that I preached our first three weekends back in August 2008. I preached them again as City on a Hill Church celebrated our first anniversary. Am I really that lost for material on which to preach? Not at all! As the spiritual leader of COAHC, I must continue to remind our people of why God has called us to be a local body in Culpeper and what we're supposed to be doing. I must continously cast our vision before our people so that we never lose track of the big picture for COAHC.

So why keep preaching the same messages over and over again? I read a great blog post today by pastor, author and church planter, Steven Furtick, that helps answer that question. In short, I can't preach the message enough!

This certainly won't be the last time COAHC hears how to influence the spiritual climate of a community!

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