Tuesday, November 2, 2010

The Main Thing

Being busy can either draw us closer to God or pull us away from Him. It's up to us!

I've had a lot of conversations lately with people who have a desire to grow in their relationship with the Lord, but who are letting their busy schedules stand in the way of discipleship. Work... Kids... Responsibilities... And, yes, even ministry... These are all commitments that overshadow our discipleship.

If there's one simple concept I remind myself of all the time, it's this:

Keep the main thing the main thing.

For me, the main thing is my relationship with Jesus Christ. That's it! My job, my family, everything else comes after my Lord. Guess what? That's exactly the way God designed it, too.

When we put Christ first in our calendars, something supernatural begins to happen. There is an increase in energy, creativity and efficiency to get done all the other things on our schedule. What's more is that there is peace about the things that can wait until tomorrow. Wouldn't it be nice to go to bed not worrying about what didn't get done today?

Let me encourage you this week to take a look at your calendar and make sure discipleship is included. Keep the main thing the main thing!

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