Friday, March 5, 2010


When it comes to leadership, I'd much rather have someone who is under-qualified on paper but who has passion for knowing Christ, who is hungry to serve and grow and who is open to be molded by God's hands. The alternative tends to be someone who has a killer resume yet more focused on their experience and expertise than willing to simply follow God when it means getting uncomfortable.

Since I've been in a position to offer opportunities of leadership to others in ministry, I've often heard God whisper, "His qualifications aren't as important as his heart. Believe in him because I do." I've witnessed God use hands-on leadership experience to facilitate maturity and wisdom more effectively than any formal training or education.

Don't get me wrong. I definitely believe in formal training and education. It's an important part of the equation. But it's not the only thing, and it shouldn't necessarily be the most important thing.

In one of my former ministry opportunities, I served as a Youth Pastor. Immediately, God began bringing in college-aged young adults who could offer their time to be involved as leaders. Most, if not all of them, had rough edges. They weren't prepared to lead middle school or high school kids, but they were hungry to grow and willing to simply allow God to speak through them. I'm happy to say that they are still serving the same ministry years later and investing themselves into the lives of others potential leaders who could so easily be shoved aside.

No doubt, this is a difficult way to go. It requires time and investment in that person's life. And the fact of the matter is, it doesn't always work out. I've had my share of those stories. The reality is though, I've had many more success stories than failures. The transformation that happens before your very eyes and the blessings that come out of it far outweigh the risk and disappointment when things don't come to fruition.

When looking for someone to fill those staff positions, start by looking around you. Chances are there are some people nearby who God is ready to do some amazing things in and through if given an opportunity.


Unknown said...

Well spoken, GW. I guess if Samuel had listened to his instincts instead of God, one of David's cool brother's would have been chosen as the next leader. But God's ways are so much higher than ours. He cuts through to the heart, cuts through the facade-nothing is hidden from Him. His choices will surprise us. And just when we think we've got it figured out, His choices surprise us once again.

Pastor GW said...

Don't you just love God's surprises? He has a way of knocking the wind right out of our proverbial presumptions/assumptions sail.