Wednesday, July 8, 2009


Last night, I was at the church trying to connect our office computer to the internet. Using the exact same specification as our media booth computer that's connection works great, I just couldn't connect.

Ever feel like you have trouble connecting with God? You're doing the same thing that's worked before, but, for some reason, you're just not making that connection like you need. Maybe it's time to try something new!

Our personal time with God can come in all shapes and sizes. We can spend time on our knees in prayer. We can spend time reading His Word. We can spend time worshiping Him through music. Or we can take a walk outside and praise Him for His creation.

If you're having difficulty connecting with God these days, try something new. If you like to read His Word, try reading a different translation. I find that the New Living Translation or the Message can offer some fresh perspective of the Bible. Try taking a prayer walk around your neighborhood. Try listening to some worship music while you clean the house or go for a jog.

You can't put God in a box. He's a creative, unique God. Allow your creativity to connect you with Him today!

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