Tuesday, July 7, 2009

The Accuser

In Genesis 39, Joseph is accused of "making sport" of Potipher's wife. As a result, he was falsely imprisoned.

We don't know much about Potipher's wife other than she tried to seduce Joseph day after day for a long time. That in itself speaks volumes about her character. When she couldn't get what she wanted, she plotted a devious lie to punish Joseph.

If you were in Potipher's shoes, who would you have believed? Would you believe your wife? Or would you believe a slave who has brought blessings into your home and land?

The Hebrew name of Satan means "Accuser". That's what he does in our life sometimes. He uses people and circumstances to falsely accuse us of evil. He's so good at it that we can even begin to believe the lies ourselves.

I'm ugly. I'm no good. I can't do anything right. I shouldn't be in the position that I'm in. God's chosen the wrong person for this job. I should have let that person have his/her way. I should just give up.

Ever said any of these to yourself? Ever had someone else facilitate these thoughts in your mind?

Satan's the accuser. He's the author of confusion and the father of lies. Don't let his devious lies become truth in your life. There's only One who is the Truth. He's the One who has called you by name, the One who has redeemed you and the One who is working in and through you at this very moment.

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