Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Miracles in Awakening

City on a Hill Church is in the midst of the 21-day event called Awakening. We're partnering with churches all over the globe for a time of awakening in our prayer, fasting and personal devotions with God.

It's no surprise then that we should be hearing of and experiencing miracles. It's no surprise then that we should be experiencing spiritual attacks. It's no surprise then that we should expect God to move in mighty ways in and through our lives!

On Sunday, I heard two testimonies of the great things God was doing.

One lady in our church family was faced with an unexpected hospital bill and medical expenses amounting to nearly $20,000. She asked me to meet with her and her husband to discuss and pray, so we met last week. The situation seemed overwhelming for the family, and there didn't seem to be any way out of the predicament as their insurance didn't cover all that was expected. We worked like it depends on us (developed a strategy to negotiate and establish a payment plan) and prayed like it depends on God. On Sunday, she told me that her husband received an unexpected check in the mail that was an extra $20,000!

Another lady in our church is currently receiving treatment for a horrible experience she endured recently. She's away from her family, on the other side of the country. When she arrived, the doctors told her that she would be there for a month. This weekend, she called her husband to tell him that God has supernaturally healed her and she's coming home this weekend!

I love our God!

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