In Exodus, we read of the great miracles God does for His people as they wander through the desert on their way to the promised land. The Hebrews literally travel from miracle to miracle. Perhaps the greatest miracle they experienced was at the very beginning of their journey when God split apart the waters of the Red Sea and allowed them to cross on dry ground to escape from the charging Egyptians. The Hebrews celebrated after this great miracle and blessing from God (see Exodus 15:1-21).
Only three days later, the Hebrews grumbled against Moses (in reality, they were grumbling against God) because they could not find drinking water (see Exodus 15:22-24). Only three days after their great escape - the greatest miracle and the greatest blessing they had ever seen - they were willing to shake their fist at God!
If we're not careful, we can be a lot like the Hebrews. We can forget what God has done for us. We can forget the miracles He's done in our lives. We can forget the blessings He's given to us. Let's not forget that He's the One who has led us to where we are - not to forsake us, to forget about us or to leave us. He's led us to where we are so that we can trust in Him completely for everything instead of relying on ourselves.
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