Sunday, August 1, 2010


The most accurate evidence of conviction is transformation. We all claim we have convictions about certain things in life: taking care of our body, having a healthy marriage, being a good parent, being a good citizen, etc. For some of us, this ends up being a lot of talk.

Let's face it. If we have a real conviction about something, not only will our attitude change, but our behavior will change as well.

If I say I have a conviction about taking care of my body, then I won't just talk about dieting and exercise, I'll eat healthy and I'll exercise. If I say I have a conviction about my relationship with God, then my attitude, words and actions will reflect my desire to follow Christ.

Take an inventory of your convictions and assess which ones have resulted in transformation. This will help you assess which ones are real to you and which ones require more serious attention.

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