In honor of being in Culpeper and blogging for two years about the experience of planting City on a Hill Church, I've been re-posting some of my favorite posts from those first few weeks in 2008.
Hearing From God (July 23, 2008)
After being in Culpeper a month, my wife and I are still getting an opportunity to share our story of God's call on our life to move here from beautiful San Diego. Some people praise God for His call to build His kingdom in Culpeper. Still others listen with skeptical ears. It's the latter group that I'd like to address in this post.
It's interesting to me to watch the skeptics' reactions and hear the tone in their voice when we share our story and calling. I guess there are many people that believe God wouldn't choose ordinary people like us for a radical calling like this. Hmmm... I seem to recall a similar story when a man from Nazareth called some pretty ordinary people to do some extraordinary things about 2000 years ago. The fact is that God has chosen ordinary people to do extraordinary things from the beginning of time. Why do some folks seem to have such a difficulty with that concept? I have a few ideas, I suppose.
As for me, I'm fired up about what the Lord is doing. I know beyond a shadow of a doubt that He's going to do amazing things in and through City On A Hill Church. In fact, He already has, and we haven't even officially launched yet!
So, what's the standard for success in this situation? Does COAHC have to have 200 members by 2010 in order for those doubters to say, "Okay, I was wrong. The Damerons' move to Culpeper was in response to an authentic call of God." Does COAHC have to have 20 converts and baptisms before 4Q2009? What's the standard that these people are using? And how does that compare to what God's standard is?
My family and I stand in agreement that the Father still speaks to His children. What kind of Father would He be if He didn't? He still uses people who are willing to submit their lives to Him. What kind of God would He be if He didn't?
We're not interested in putting God in a box. We don't put limits on what God's will is and whom He chooses to do it. We're blessed to be called by God. We're blessed to be in Culpeper doing His work for His glory! I wish everyone could have a taste of that kind of adventure... that kind of relationship with the Almighty... that kind of radical life change... that kind of success!
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