Wednesday, September 16, 2009

The Importance of Looking Foolish

Did you know that God wants you to look foolish sometimes?

It's through these foolish appearances, that God is doing something great in and through us. Think about how foolish Noah looked building that ark in front of his neighbors and family. Can you imagine how much of a joke he became?

What about the young David? A shepherd tweener with a sling shot taking on not just a professional soldier, but a giant one at that! How many wise cracks did he overhear from his brothers and the other Jewish soldiers? Even Goliath taunted him to his face - right before David's stone killed him.

When we find ourselves in the midst of a difficult situation, God sometimes calls us to look foolish. It's at that precise moment, that we're faced with the question "Am I more concerned about what I want than with what God wants?" When we step forward with courage and understand the importance of looking foolish to the big picture of our lives, we find a whole new perspective on life.

Mark Batterson wrote a book a few years ago called "In a Pit with a Lion on a Snowy Day." The book focuses on a couple of verses found in 2 Samuel about a guy named Benaiah who jumped into a pit on a snowy day to kill a lion. Benaiah succeeded in killing the lion and became the commander in chief for Kings David and Solomon.

Imagine the courage it took for Benaiah to jump into that pit. Imagine how foolish he looked at first to anyone who may have been watching. We can't deny that there are fine lines separating courage, risk and looking foolish.

This weekend at City on a Hill Church, we're wrapping up a series on suffering. We're going to talk about "Attitudes in the Midst of Anguish." In this message, I'll share three important attitudes that we should have in the midst of our trials and tribulations. Courage is at the top of the list.

We'd love to see you there!

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