Monday, August 3, 2009

Defining Reality

I'm currently going through John Maxwell's Leadership Gold curriculum. One of the lessons contained in this package states that a leader's first responsibility is to define reality. That's so important!

This concept is not just for leadership, but for all of us. When we produce goals and have a vision for our future, we are, in essence, creating an end point for ourselves or our objective. We're told that the quickest way from one point to another is a straight line. So, wouldn't it make sense to try and get from our starting point to our end point in a straight line? That means we must know what/where our starting point is. Defining our starting point is defining our reality!

I'm currently teaching a series at City on a Hill Church called "Climate Control". It's a 3-part series. The first message is called "Being a Thermometer". The last two messages are called "Being a Thermostat". You see, we first have to define reality before we have any chance of impacting the environment around us. In the context of this series, we must first identify the spiritual climate of our own lives and the environment around us before we can begin to influence the spiritual climate. We need to know what it is before we can change it!

Whether in relation to work, family or spiritual things, take some time and define reality. It will help you understand where you are and where you need to go!

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