Here we are on Day 29 of our 40-day fast! Only 11 more days. I'm praying for all of you to stand strong during this time. Please remember that there is a major spiritual battle going on right now. Our church is in the midst of a journey that is going to take us to a completely different level in our relationship with God and one another. The enemy absolutely hates it! He has launched an assault on our lives to distract, disrupt and discourage us. He objective is for us to quit! God is our strength and our shield. If you've faltered, that's okay. Our Lord gives grace. Get back up and keep going. He will PROVIDE everything you need to win this battle. As Ephesians 6 instructs us... put on the full armor and engage in the battle with prayer and the sword of the spirit (Scripture). YOU CAN WIN!!!
God is doing some amazing work in our church right now. Marriages are being saved from the brink of disaster! Souls are being won into the Kingdom of God! Lives are being transformed into the image of Christ! First steps are being taken by many towards a life of discipleship! Are you seeing it? God is up to something HUGE! We continue to have a large influx of visitors each and every Sunday. People want to be where God is moving, and God is moving in a big way at City on a Hill Church!
God is using this 40-day fast and our 6-week series "God Provides" to prepare us for what He is about to do. Get ready! We're going to the next level!