I can't tell you how proud I am of your eager desire for God by participating in the 40-day fast. I have heard many testimonies already of how God is using this in your life. I'd love to hear more. Please share what God is doing by commenting or sending me a message through email (pastorgw(at)cityonahillculpeper.org) or Facebook (facebook.com/GwDameron). Sharing our stories is one way we encourage one another and reaffirm that our struggles aren't unique to just us.
Remember that sometimes God will use an experience like a 40-day fast to open our eyes to some areas in our lives that need attention. During a fast, we become more sensitive to God, and become aware of things that would not have seemed very important earlier. Don't miss it! Take advantage of the opportunity to address the situation and make the necessary corrections in your life. And don't forget to praise God for giving you "eyes to see." Continue to rely on our Lord, and not on yourself.
As we venture through the rest of these 40 days, I'm absolutely confident that God will bring us through to a completely different level in our relationship with Him as individuals, and consequently, as a church. We've got a lot of great things coming our way, and I can't wait!