Here are seven things I want to share with you this morning...
1 - YOU are an amazing church! I'm so privileged to be your pastor. I had a few conversations yesterday that just reminded me how overwhelming it is to consider that God has chosen ME to be your shepherd. Thank you for allowing me to be a part of your life!
2 - Sunday's service was absolutely awesome! It all started in our pre-service prayer time. Walls are being broken down in lives all over our church. Real connections are being made between people where real ministry is happening. It begins with prayer, though. Don't ever forget that! How incredible would it be to have double or triple the people we have now praying before each and every service? I'm extending an invitation to every one of you to join us upstairs for a time of consecration and preparation. Please join us from 10 to 10:45 on Sunday mornings - even for just a few minutes!
3 - I loved watching our people worship at Jesus' feet at the end of our service on Sunday. I want our church to have a culture that's not embarrassed to come to the altar on our knees and bow before our King. For many, this kind of thing is foreign. I get it. It was strange for me the first few times I did it, too. From personal experience, though, I can tell you that humbling yourself before the Lord at His altar can bring breakthroughs like nothing else. Let's push that fear and "uncomfortable-ness" aside and present ourselves to God as living sacrifices.
4 - Have I made it clear I want you plugged in with a Life Group? In case I haven't, I want you plugged in with a Life Group! We have four to choose from right now, and we need to be multiplying that number in the next few weeks. If you would like to host a Life Group in your home or feel the prompting to lead a Life Group, please contact me as soon as possible. We need more hosts and leaders!
5 - Have I made it clear I want you serving? In case I haven't, I want you serving in ministry! I shared this past Sunday from James 2 which clearly teaches faith without works is dead. Works is synonymous with ministry. COAHC needs more servants and leaders in its various ministries. We have ministries ready to launch that are merely waiting for the right people. Contact a ministry leader this week to get plugged in or contact me and I'll get you started in the right direction.
6 - You may be thinking right now that I want a lot from you. Let me say this: I don't want anymore for you than what God wants for you. Yes, God wants you involved with Life Groups if COAHC is your home church. Why? Because Church was never meant to be a building or an event. Church is a group of people who share their lives TOGETHER! Life Groups facilitate this. Yes, God wants you serving. He has given you gifts and wants to be glorified through those gifts. Read Ephesians 2:10. Read the Parable of the Talents. This principle is found throughout Scripture.
7 - Get ready for something big. I mean something BIG... God's preparing and situating things at City on a Hill for something big. We can't experience something big as a church without you experiencing something big in your own, personal life. So, are you preparing your fields for rain?