In Chapter 13, Moses details the instructions to follow if someone presents himself/herself with a skin disorder. At first glance, the reading is mundane and not terribly relevant to a culture that has the technological and medical advances we have today. Dig a little deeper...
Consider what God was doing with the Hebrews in the desert during those 40 years. Before allowing them to enter into the promised land, God was preparing His people to be a community. In other words, He wanted them to be other-centered, not self-centered. That's what community is all about!
When we begin to put others' needs before our own, we'll discover community. When we sacrifice for the good of others, we'll discover community. When we love our neighbor as we love ourselves, we'll discover community.
Community is a theme found in Scripture from the beginning of the Bible to the end. Our relationship with God isn't just vertical. It's also horizontal. When we have both the vertical and horizontal in our lives, we'll discover something more than just community. We'll discover the cross!