Monday, March 30, 2009
The Roman Road
For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God - Romans 3:23
For the wages of sin is death - Romans 6:23a
but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord - Romans 6:23b
That if you confess with your mouth, "Jesus is Lord," and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. - Romans 10:9
Therefore, since we have been justified through faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ. - Romans 5:1
These short, five verses are a pathway that may be used as an evangelistic tool. When shared in order, they tell the story of the Gospel.
These short, five verses also help us get real with God. In order to have an authentic relationship with God, we must acknowledge who we are and what we do in contrast to God, Himself. When we get real with God, the consequences are humility before Him and an urgent burden to share Him with others.
Friday, March 27, 2009
Relay For Life Yardsale
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
Culpeper v.1.1
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
Social Services
Monday, March 23, 2009
Friday, March 20, 2009
Greater Than Series & Events
Thursday, March 19, 2009
Effects of the Recession
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
Love & Obedience
This was the question that haunted me day and night for several weeks during the late fall and early winter of 1995. This was the question that led me into the realization that my relationship with God was counterfeit.
As I wrestled with this question in my heart and mind, the Holy Spirit led me to John 14:15 - "If you love me, you will obey what I command." Then it hit me like a ton of bricks. I had been attending a weekly Bible study and professing to be a Christian while all the while ignoring God's commands. I was an immoral person living a publicly immoral life. Until the moment I read that verse for the first time, I had felt no remorse or expressed any repentance for my choices in life.
In December 1995 while watching a Christmas program at a local church in Wilmington, NC, I gave my life to Christ in the silence of my heart. I wish I could say that my life turned around on a dime, but it didn't. It was messy. I was so entrenched in my sin that getting out just wasn't a simple process. It involved months and many more bad decisions made by me in my immature faith. I had discovered a newfound love in my life, but I still didn't know how to love God properly.
How often do we see love relationships when one or both people are ignorant of knowing how to love properly? It's an immature love, and dysfunction becomes a part of that relationship as a result. The Bible tells us that God's love for us is perfect. So, we can rest assured that any problems in our relationship with God is solely our responsibility due to our imperfection.
How do we love God properly? It's quite simple actually. Obey him! Easier said than done, right? Jesus told us there is a cost to following Him: leaving behind your former life, putting God and others before yourself and persecution. However, there are rewards also: rest, joy and peace.
Even now, as a pastor, although I strive to love God with everything that I am, I fall short at times. The biggest difference maker for me, though, is having people in my life to encourage me, hold me accountable and pick me up when I fall. Let's strive together to obey God and love him properly.
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
Monday, March 16, 2009
Church Growth
Acts 9:31 (American Standard Version)
City On A Hill Church hasn't even officially launched, so why in the world am I thinking about growing the church at this point? Well, it's never too early to think about building and growing the Body of Christ: the Church!!
There are a lot of ideas and gimmicks out there to attract people to a church or grow membership as the cartoon above shows. But the Scripture reference from Acts 9:31 really gives us some insight into the Lord's plan for growing His Church. Here are the key components to church growth from this one verse.
1) Peace - When there is peace, there is encouragement and growth - not growth in numbers necessarily, but growth in wisdom and maturity in Christ. The word we see used is edified. The original language indicates that there was construction going on in the heart of the Church. A church that is growing in wisdom and maturity in Christ is a church that is growing in numbers - no doubt!
2) Walking in the fear of the Lord - This expression doesn't refer to a traveling church. Rather it means that the Body was continuing a journey of faith where the people left behind a self-centered philosophy of life and began to focus on God, their relationship with God and obedience to God's will in their lives.
3) (Walking) in the comfort of the Holy Spirit - The original language of the text really gives a much better picture than the English language does. Imagine the Holy Spirit beckoning you nearer; and when you respond, He comforts you, consoles you and inspires you. This is the image that we should get from this phrase. Hearing His voice is where this begins. When was the last time you heard the Holy Spirit's voice?
This one verse alone is God's recipe for the growth of His Church. Yes, there are many factors that go into "doing church", etc. I understand that. But I also believe we can get distracted with a lot of logistics and details that ultimately don't have anything to do with what God's Word says in Acts 9:31.
Lord, may City On A Hill Church always follow your will for Church growth. May we experience Your peace. May we journey towards a closer relationship with You. May we hear Your voice calling us nearer to You for encouragement and inspiration and may we have the courage to respond.
Friday, March 13, 2009
Jesus' Prayer
Did you know that Jesus prayed for you? He did! Before He was arrested, He prayed for Himself, His disciples and then for all believers for all time - that includes you and me.
What did He pray for us? Of all the things He could have prayed for you and me, He prayed for unity. Jesus knew of the destruction that bitter divisions within the Church causes. So, He prayed against it.
Almost from the beginning of the early Church, there have been divisions. This is the direct result of failure among Christians to agree to disagree and focus on what makes us similar instead of focusing on what makes us different. Unity, according to Jesus' prayer, is what will convince the world not only of the mission of Jesus Christ, but also of God's love for people and for Christ. So, how has Jesus' prayer affected your life?
Thursday, March 12, 2009
"What would it look like if God didn't call you into _______ ministry?"
"What would it look like if God didn't call you into the mission field?"
"What would it look like if God wants you to stay in that job?"
I couldn't help but think of the story found in the book of Philemon. Onesimus, a slave, stole from his owner Philemon and escaped. Once free, Onesimus met Paul and was led into a relationship with God through Jesus Christ. Then Onesimus' life turned upside down. God's call on his life meant an adjustment of epic proportion: he had to return to the shackles and chains of slavery!
What if your adjustment meant staying in a marriage and not leaving your spouse?
What if your adjustment meant staying in a job that you didn't want to do any longer?
What if your adjustment meant something you never expected or desired?
Paul wrote to Philemon, "Formerly he was useless to you, but now he has become useful both to you and to me." (verse 11) When we submit ourselves fully and completely to God's plan, we become useful to God and to those around us.
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
Personal Identity Theft
This weekend my wife and I went to Williamsburg to celebrate our 10th wedding anniversary. It was the first time in seven years that we had gone away without the kiddos tagging along. Boy, was it a welcome and refreshing break from reality.
God really blessed our trip, too! I arrived at the hotel to find that I had been selected as "Guest of the Day" which entitled us to an upgrade to a suite and free breakfasts during our stay. Hallelujah!
On Sunday evening, I received an email from one of my Facebook friends with the details of someone impersonating me and requesting money be wired to London. The story was that "I" had been mugged at gunpoint and was stranded without any money or credit cards. "I" needed $500 wired to me for a plane ticket home. Given that my facebook account clearly shows that I was in town on Saturday and was at church on Sunday morning, I'm not sure how this person thought he was fooling too many people. I know of only one person who was tricked into sending the money.
After that experience, I must say that I feel dirty. I feel like I was robbed of my identity for those few short hours while this thief was impersonating me. Now I know what it feels like to experience personal identity theft. Personal Identity Theft is certainly a newer form of an age-old crime: thievery. Old snakes doing the same thing just in new ways and in new environments.
Friday, March 6, 2009
[sources: Billy Graham: The Authorized Biography by John Pollock, 1966, and A Prophet With Honor: The Billy Graham Story by William Martin, 1991]
Anything that has great possibilities also carries with it a certain amount of risk - the risk of failure. So many of us are afraid of failure, though, that we find ourselves never attempting anything that will make a great difference in our life or other's lives.
The story about Billy Graham above simply reminds us that everyone fails. The people we regard in high esteem did not get accomplish the great things we remember them for without experiencing failure along the way. Imagine if Billy Graham was afraid of failure! Imagine if he was so embarassed at this failure that he quit the ministry!
Often God will use our failures to mold us and shape us for the success we will eventually experience. Don't be afraid of failing, and don't be embarassed of failure in your life! It's a part of the process of "less of me, more of you, Lord."
Thursday, March 5, 2009
Coming Home
I'm amped to be coming home to see all my ladies. Even though we talk to each other on the phone once or twice a day, there's nothing like some big hugs and kisses. Carrie's mom, aunt and grandmother are also coming into town this evening. It will be great to spend some quality time visiting with them over the next several days.
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
Greater Than
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
The Call
Before time began, God knew the prophet Jeremiah. God knew that He would call Jeremiah to be a prophet to the nations. Similarly, God knew you and me before time began. He also knew the call on our lives He would place.
Jeremiah was no one special. His response to God is so like ours when we receive the commissioning for His work: "I do not know how to speak; I am only a child." God does not expect us to have the wisdom and ability in and of ourselves to do His work. In fact, God chooses over and over again people who are obviously incapable of doing His work so that it is more evident that it is God who is accomplishing His will through us, and, thus, He who receives the glory. He merely looks for someone who is willing to rely on Him.
God touched Jeremiah's mouth and said, "No, I have put my words in your mouth. See, today I appoint you over nations and kingdoms to uproot and tear down, to destroy and overthrow, to build and to plant."
In our lives, God touches us with His gifts and talents and then sends us to do His work. Sometimes it is to preach God's Word to others. Sometimes it is to play a musical instrument on the worship team. Sometimes it is to pray for or serve someone who has wronged us. It is our appointing - our commissioning. It is our call.
Monday, March 2, 2009
Body Sledding
We woke up to the biggest snow storm in a few years for our community. Schools were closed and flights were cancelled, so I was given the opportunity to play with the girls in the snow for a few hours before catching a flight to New Jersey.
I took Abby Rae and Emma to Mountain Run Lake Park for some body sledding. This is what you do when you are delinquent parent who hasn't bought a bobsled for your children. Dad become the bobsled while child rode on Dad's tummy and chest. I ended the day with just a little snow up my back and down my pants.
We had a blast, though. Apparently this is the place to go when it snows. There is a great slope that has a large, steep section and slowly tapers off to a much smaller incline. There were several families there sliding down the hill in the afternoon hours (mental note: go earlier in the day for smaller crowds and more snow on the hill).
Made some memories for a lifetime today. Love spending time with my kids. So glad I could do that before heading out of town.
Skins Next Year
When it snows like it is right now, it seems everyone's schedule and routine gets turned upside down. So, I thought I'd post something a little off topic this morning.
As I've mentioned before, I'm a huge Redskins fan. Ever since Dan Snyder bought the team, the Skins have "won the offseason" more times than not. Of course, the team hasn't translated the offseason winning to a Superbowl victory; thus they've become somewhat of a joke to all of the media pundits.
The Skins struck big again this offseason with the signing of Albert Haynesworth to a $100 million deal. They also retained one of their premier cornerbacks in Deangelo Hall, and they were able to get Derrick Dockery to return to Washington from Buffalo to help with their aging offensive line.
These are all fantastic moves, but this season will come down to the play at the quarterback position. Jason Campbell will need to rise to a new level this year if the Redskins are going to stretch their season into January or later.
The Skins won the offseason again. So much for that! What will the real season look like for the team?