Monday, November 24, 2008

Homeless Care Ministry

This morning, I went to a meeting at the Culpeper Health and Human Services office. This meeting was to discuss the effort that's being made to care for the homeless in our community during the winter months. Several town departments, civic organizations and pastors and layleaders from a number of different churches were in attendance.

This is a total God thing! Churches across denominations are coming together in unity to do God's bidding in Culpeper - not a service, not a one-time outreach, but an actual day-in and day-out ministry that will last for months and have significant impact on our community. How awesome is that!!

Homelessness is usually thought of with respect to people with addictions, criminal behavior and/or emotional problems. However, in today's economy, we have families living in their cars and on the street because of bankruptcy, foreclosure or unemployment. Homelessness isn't restricted to skin color, place of birth or social standing anymore.

In this initiative, a different church is overseeing the ministry for a week at a time for about 20 weeks through the colder months. City on a Hill Church will be responsible for volunteers Dec 7-13 as St. Stephen's Episcopal Church opens its doors to host the ministry that week.

We still need a lot more churches to participate in this ministry. We need facilities and we need helping hands. As the Body steps up and steps out, God will bless our community! Let's be bold! Let's be His hands and feet and show God's love in this practical and relevant way!

Friday, November 21, 2008

This Weekend

God's going to do incredible things this weekend! I just know it!!

Tomorrow morning, City on a Hill Church is giving our community some love. We'll be washing the exterior windows on downtown businesses and offices. Just a chance to show God's love in a practical way!

We'll meet @ 10am on the corner of Main and Davis Streets. Bring your kids, too! We'll have ours.

Tomorrow night, we'll be continuing our Fireproof Your Marriage series with a message entitled, "Love for a Lifetime". I had a blast preparing this message, and I know the Lord is going to bless our time together tomorrow night. Join us please at 6pm at 405 Sperryville Pike in Culpeper.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008


I recently read an article that was a great reminder for pastors and leaders of the Church. The article gave some instruction on how to motivate people to act on their God-given passions. Those who follow and use their passions as their driving force to impact their community are called "passionaries".

We're all passionaries, for God has given us all gifts to use through the leading and empowering of the Holy Spirit. God has called every one of us who are a part of the Body to impact our community for the glory of Christ.

What's your passion? How can God use that to change people's lives? Leave me a comment, I'd love to hear what God is leading you to do.

The Love Dare - Day 25

Love Forgives

Jesus once told a story of an unmerciful servant (Matthew 18:21-35). In this parable, Jesus tells us of a master who forgave his servant an unimaginable debt. However, after having received his freedom, the servant did something unthinkable. He went to all of those who owed him smaller debts and demanded immediate payment. Upon hearing of this, the master turned the servant over to the jailors to be tortured until the debt was paid.

This parable reminds us of the unimaginable debt that has been forgiven on our behalf through Jesus Christ. Who are we to then turn around and approach our spouse and others with a lack of forgiveness? Will we enslave those who have wronged us in a prison inside of our own hearts? The problem is that we, ourselves, become enslaved along with them because of our bitterness and lack of forgiveness. Jesus remains, though, offering the key to freedom.

Our problem stems from a lack of understanding what forgiveness is. Forgiving someone doesn't absolve them of their sin. Forgiving merely releases them from our own selfish punishment to God's divine justice. The burden that we carry around is lifted from our lives like a weight.

What we must understand is that our lack of forgiveness is nothing more than our desire for revenge. We want the situation to be made right. We want restitution! However, God's Word tells us, "Do not take revenge, my friends, but leave room for God's wrath, for it is written: 'It is mine to avenge; I will repay,' says the Lord." (Romans 12:19)

While we may rightfully deserve restitution, we must be deliberate in trusting God's faithfulness and justice in our own lives. Our idea of restitution and revenge are perverted and sinful in nature. We could never repay someone with an equal punishment for what has been done to us. We will always want to punish unequally. That is our own sinful nature.

If your spouse has sinned against you, you must forgive him/her if you want to have any hope for a successful marriage. Give your spouse over to God. Release him/her from your self-made prison, and, in turn, experience freedom yourself. Know that as you walk in forgiveness, God will honor your obedience.

Monday, November 17, 2008

The Love Dare - Day 24

Love vs. Lust

Remember the old U2 song, "I Still Haven't Found What I'm Looking For"? One of my favorites from my old college days. While I enjoy the song, this principle in life is a dangerous one to have.

Are we looking for what God has to offer us or what the world has to offer us? "His divine power has granted to us everything pertaining to life and godliness, through the true knowledge of Him who called us by His own glory and excellence. For by these He has granted to us His precious and magnificent promises, so that by them you may become partakers of the divine nature, having escaped the corruption that is in the world by lust" (2 Peter 1:3-4).

If we find ourselves desiring more something that is material or some idea or fantasy that brings "happiness" outside of God's will, the warning light on the dashboard of our heart should be shining. "Do not love the world, nor the things in the world. If anyone loves the world, the love of the Father is not in him" (1 John 2:15). The authors of The Love Dare remind us that "lust is the best this world has to offer, but love offers you the best life in the world."

Today's Dare is to identify every object of lust in our lives and remove it today! Single out every life you've swallowed in pursuing forbidden pleasure and reject it. We cannot allow lust to exist in any secret closet of our lives. It must be removed from our lives and replaced with the promises of God. Allow His will to become the desires of your heart.

Friday, November 14, 2008

The Love Dare - Day 23

Love Always Protects

Wives and husbands need to work together proactively to protect their marriages from all kinds of things, including the following:

Harmful Influences-
There are habits that are toxic to your marriage. Examples include consistent absence from the home or relational disconnection.

Unhealthy Relationship-
We all need to have appropriate boundaries established with people in our lives. We can't expect non-Christians to impart Biblical wisdom into our lives. We need to have boundaries established with those people who like to share unGodly counsel into our lives. If you've never read Boundaries, I would highly encourage you to do so. This book will equip you with some valuable wisdom with regard to relationships.

Have you heard a person speak unfavorably about their spouse? We're all vunerable with insecurities and inferiorities. Let's protect our mate from inappropriate shame.

Watching out for things that suck the life out of our marriage is very important. Usually parasites come in the form of addictions.

Wives, please understand your role as protector of your marriage. Guard your marriage from fantasies and unreasonable expectations that derive from novels, magazines and other forms of entertainment. Be familiar with the instruction and wisdom found in Proverbs 31.

Husbands, please understand your role as the one responsible before God for guarding the gate and standing your ground against anything that would threaten your wife or marriage. Be familiar with the warning about being proactive that Jesus gives us found in Matthew 24:43.

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Busy Day

Been catching up on administrative work for my consulting job today. Had lunch with Randy Corbin of the Christian & Missionary Alliance and their new Culpeper pastor Brian Spruill. Great guys, and I pray that the Lord will envigorate Alliance Bible Church in Culpeper to build His Kingdom. Working on my sermon for this weekend. Looking forward to sharing about God's love as the foundation for our love in marriage.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

The Love Dare - Day 22

Love is Faithful

God's message to us in His Word has an ever-enduring theme throughout: love. We were created to experience God's love and we were created to share God's love. So, what happens when the love we want to share is rejected?

The book of Hosea is a wonderful true story that illustrates God's faithful love for us in the midst of our rebellion and rejection of Him and His love. If you've never read the book, I would encourage you to read it. It has special application to those who have offered love in marriage only to be rejected.

"Anyone can love someone who loves you back," Jesus said. "Even sinners do that!"

"Love your enemies," God instructs us. Who would have thought that our spouse could ever become our enemy? Certainly you didn't dream of that when you stood at the alter on your wedding day. But it happens all too often in our culture.

This is when we begin to understand the true depth of how Christ loves us. When we turn our back on Him, He's still there loving us, ready to forgive us. We can offer undeserved love to our spouse because that's what God does for us.

While the feeling of love for your spouse may have come upon you like a wave of emotion one day long ago, today is the day that you must choose and purpose to love your mate. Love your spouse in a way that reflects your gratefulness to God for loving you.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Trojan Horses

The excerpt below is from one of the blogs I read consistently (Pastor Mark Batterson's Evotional). Mark wrote In a Pit with a Lion on a Snowy Day and Wild Goose Chase - two must reads for any and every Christian wanting to experience everything God has for him/her.

Really enjoying being at The Sticks. Love my pastor tribe! I talked out of Matthew 10:5-16. That passage is my philosophy of ministry. I also think of it as the First Commission. It's the final locker room talk Jesus gave his disciples before their first mission.I talked about Trojan horses, purple cows, and broken windows.
Remember the Greek legend? Queen Helen was kidnapped. And it took a Trojan Horse to get past the defenses of Troy.
Churches need to discover the Trojan Horses that will help them get past people's natural defense mechanisms and reach their community. I think servant evangelism is a Trojan Horse. So is our coffeehouse. So is technology. We have more and more people coming to NCC who watch our webcast for months before visiting in person. It's a Trojan Horse. People can watch in the comfort of their own home. In their underwear no less. And defense mechanisms are down!

Pastor Wes Shortridge of Liberty Community Church in Bealeton and I had talked abotu going to The Sticks conference, but he's busy taking classes and I'm just too busy with other stuff. Anyways...

Love the idea of Trojan Horse. Servant Evangelism is a huge part of the vision for City on a Hill Church. In fact, this Saturday morning we'll be out washing windows of our downtown local businesses. We're so stoked to serve our community and even more amped to see what God does in the hearts of those we serve over time.

We're using technology already. I know of one gal who read my blog for weeks before coming to one of our services. I'm looking forward to getting sermons up on our website via podcast or webcast.

Coffeehouses? Hmmm... Been down that road in SoCal. Worked on a project called theFishbowl with a buddy of mine. Lots of work and difficult to be effective if you don't know what you're doing and if you don't have the capital. Not sure that one's in our future, but I'm learning to never say, "Never."

Taking Christ Out of Christmas

Today's sign of the apocalypse...

Why am I surprised anymore?

The Love Dare - Day 21

Love is Satisfied in God

So often we see people try to find peace, joy and contentment in material things, money and, yes, even relationships. I can remember a time in my life – before I knew Jesus – when I tried to find satisfaction in relationships with the opposite sex. The fact is that the kind of satisfaction I was looking for I could only find in God, Himself.

No matter how wonderful our spouse may be, he/she will never live up to all of our expectations. People always disappoint! True love and a successful marriage involve putting appropriate expectations on our spouse and offering forgiveness when he/she doesn’t meet them. True love and a successful marriage involve not just allowing, but expecting, God to do the things that our spouse cannot. Deliberately begin trusting Him more and more with your life, marriage and family.

One way we can learn to trust Him more is by understanding Him more – His love for us and His desire to give us our heart’s desires. Spend time with God each and every day. Take at least ten minutes to read His Word. Spend at least a few minutes in prayer with Him, and make sure it’s a dialogue, not just a monologue. Journaling in a notebook or through a blog site like this one helps us see more effectively how God is moving in our lives. Having a consistent devotional life that includes these things I just mentioned can and will change your relationship with God in ways you wouldn’t believe!

Monday, November 10, 2008

The Love Dare - Day 20

Love is Jesus Christ

We're half-way through The Love Dare. Twenty more days to go? Are noticing a difference yet in your marriage? More importantly, are you noticing a difference yet in yourself and your attitude and behavior towards your spouse?

There's absolutely no way a significant change in the love towards your spouse can take place without recognizing from where that love comes. You can try anything and everything, but efforts made merely by your feeble attempts to do this on your own will fall short.

The same is true in our relationship with God. Nothing we could ever do could earn our way to heaven. "Behold, I was brought forth in iniquity, and in sin my mother conceived me" (Psalm 51:5). "All of us have become like one who is unclean, and all our righteous deeds are like a filthy garment" (Isaiah 64:6).

Without Jesus Christ, we will never fully understand or possibly earn the love that we're supposed to have and can have in our marriage. The love we seek can only be received from God Himself and, consequently, shared, with our mate. "This is how we know what love is: Jesus Christ laid down his life for us. And we outght to lay down our lives for our brothers... This is his command: to believe in the name of his Son, Jesus Christ, and to love one another as he commanded us" (1 John 3:16, 23). "The one who does not love does not know God, for God is love" (1 John 4:8).

God loves us in spite of our imperfections. He chose us to die for even though we turn away sometimes. In our marriage, we must chose to love even when we're not loved in return. Dare to take God at His Word. Dare to be used as His intrument of love in your marriage.

Sunday, November 9, 2008

New Faces

It has been wonderful to see so many new faces at City on a Hill Church these last two weeks. Since the Lord first put the idea of sharing the Fireproof message, I have been praying for our community to have a desire to strengthen its marriages. When the Impact Cards were mailed to over 900 homes in our community promoting this series, I prayed that each card would be received with open hearts and minds, and I prayed that those families who need strengthening would have a burden to seek help from the Church. When the article was written in the local newspaper recently, I prayed that the article would be read by those who need fresh encouragement in their relationship with God the most. When we hosted our first service in our new facility last weekend, I prayed that God would lead people who travel up and down Sperryville Pike every day and who see our banners hanging in front of our building to investigate what it would look like to experience Him at City on a Hill Church.

I strongly believe that the Lord has answered all of those prayers. Yes, I know there are many families who need strengthening who haven't visited us. Yes, I know many of the Impact Cards were tossed without even being read. And, yes, I know that the article went unseen by many who need God more than ever in their lives and our banners are considered as spam to so many who are bombarded by marketing every day.

What's important to remember in this season of COAHC is that we're gathering momentum. Momentum is one of the most underrated components to the Church today, I believe. In physics, we're taught that momentum can make an object with little mass have more impact than an object with greater mass and less momentum. Momentum is important to get behind! Join me in praying for God's wisdom and discernment as we get behind this Spirit-led momentum and pray for this momentum to have impact in not just the lives of those at COAHC, but more importantly, the lives outside of the Church in Culpeper. Souls saved and lives transformed are the fruit we want to see!

I'm so excited about what God is doing right now in the midst of the lives of those who have visited us these last two weeks. In talking with people, I have heard stories of how God is moving. I can discern the fresh move of the Spirit in body language and expressions. It's a stimulating time to be a pastor in Culpeper. I thank God that He called my family and I here to be a part of what He's doing in Culpeper and be used as His instrument in the lives of those with whom we share this community.

Saturday, November 8, 2008

The Love Dare - Day 19

Love Is Impossible

No matter how hard we try, we'll never be able to love our spouse with the kind of love that God wants us to. True, pure agape (unconditional) love is impossible if we only look to ourselves as the source of that love. Every single one of us are imperfect and will always fall short in our attempts to love our mate with agape love all the time. It's something that only God can do for us and through us.

Jesus said, "Apart from me, you can do nothing." (John 15:5) God's Word also tells us that He "is able to do far more abundantly beyond all that we ask or think, according to the power that works within us." (Ephesians 3:20)

In order for us to love the way God wants us to, we must have the Spirit of God living within us loving through us. If you've never invited Christ into your life as your Lord and Savior, today is the day you'll want to make that invitation a reality in your life. Acknowledge your failures in life (sin) and accept Jesus Christ's sacrifice as payment for those sins. Ask Jesus Christ to come into your heart and life as your Lord and Savior. I promise you'll never regret that decision for the rest of your life!

Friday, November 7, 2008

Tomorrow's Outreach Postponed

We are postponing our outreach scheduled for tomorrow morning. Due to the projection of rain in the morning, we'll plan on washing some downtown windows next weekend. Keep an eye on our website for updates.

Fireproof Your Marriage

Tomorrow, we will start our Fireproof Your Marriage series at City on a Hill Church. This is a 6-week series that will equip married couples and singles with knowledge, information and, most importantly, Biblical wisdom that will enable marriages to survive difficult times. The series is based on the newly released movie Fireproof starring Kirk Cameron. This movie was made by the same folks who brought you Facing the Giants, one of my all-time faves!

Studies have proven that the number one reason for divorce in America is finances. In the current economic situation we find our country in, can you imagine the difficulties our families are facing right now? Perhaps you can because you are staring dead-on at your own marriage problems due to foreclosure, unemployment or a shortage of cash. I want to encourage everyone reading this blog to please invest in your marriage over the next six weeks by attending COAHC's Saturday evening service @ 6pm. Even if you show up for the next 6 weeks and never return, that's okay!

If you're single, you'll find this series helpful for when you do find a marriage partner. This series has something for everyone!

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Expectations - Part 2

Seems like I wasn't the only person thinking about expectations last night and this morning. As I sat in NYC-La Guardia airport this afternoon waiting for my flight home, CNN showed a piece on the mounting expectations the world has for Obama. Just more confirmation we need to pray for him...


As the election results are sinking in over the last 24 hours, I've been praying for Obama. One of the things that the Lord spoke to me last night was that the expectations for Obama are huge from people around the world. This morning, there is an article on about that very thing.

Can you imagine waking up one morning and realizing that there are people and national leaders all over the world who expect something specific from you? Can you imagine waking up one morning and realizing that your attention is the most sought after than anyone else's on the entire globe? I don't care who you are. Anyone would feel a little uneasy if not intimidated or overwhelmed about those expectations at first.

As I considered the expectations that the world has for Obama, God again revealed to me that there are no greater expectations that anyone has than the expectations He has for Obama. God created Obama and equipped him with special giftings for a specific purpose in this season of his life. God has an expectation that Obama would pursue God's purpose and will in his life. How can anyone's expectations be more important than God's?!

Please join me in praying that Obama would have a heart to pursue God's expectations and that God's expectations would be met in the life of Obama during the next four years. Obama has made history in becoming the first African-American president. I thank God for how our country has overcome prejudice and racism. Regardless of Obama's politics, it is appropriate to celebrate this election if not for that reason alone. Obama has a chance to make history again in his policies and decisions. Let's be united in covering him in prayer!

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

The Love Dare - Day 18

Love Seeks to Understand

"We've been together for a long time. I think I know you by now."

"I just don't understand you!"

Have you ever said either one of those things to your mate? Probably so. The thing is that there is some truth in both of those statements for every one of us who are married.

Do you remember when you were dating your spouse and you were trying to get to know him/her? If you were like me, you wanted to know as much as you could. Just because the wedding occurs doesn't mean the pursuit of understanding your spouse should stop, though.

We all need to continue to seek to understand and know our mate. There are levels of understanding that can take a lifetime to reach. This knowledge will help in all kinds of situations, especially the tough circumstances that every marriage experiences. God's Word tells us "Good understanding wins favor." (Proverbs 13:15)

To gain back some intimacy in marriage, we can make a commitment to know our spouse. To do that, we need to remember a few suggestions by the authors of The Love Dare:

Ask Questions. Be genuine and assertive in trying to know and understand your spouse on the deepest levels of their personality and behaviors.

Listen. When your mate is speaking, take the time to not just hear what he/she is saying, but listen to what he/she is saying. Stop thinking about what you want to say, and really listen to the words that are being spoken to you.

Ask God for Discernment. God is our Creator and He's the One who knows us better than we know ourselves. Ask God for wisdom and discernment in understanding your mate.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Make a Point - VOTE!

Make sure your voice is heard today. Please take time to vote. Here's a decent article in the Culpeper Star Exponent this morning for some criteria to help us vote our values.

Monday, November 3, 2008

The Love Dare - Day 17

Love promotes intimacy

If you've never read Safe People and Boundaries by Cloud and Townsend, I highly recommend you do. These books can change your life with regard to the relationships you choose to have with others and how you handle yourself within relationships. The premise of the books is that some people are safe and others are not and we all need to set boundaries within our relationships that are specific to that particular relationship in order to preserve our safety and emotional health. For example, safe people don't make you feel stupid for expressing your opinion. Safe people don't make you feel afraid to be yourself. The boundary for a safe person in your life is a lot more free and close than one with someone who is not safe.

Marriage is a wonderful relationship to have, but within every marriage, there is baggage. When a person marries someone, each partner brings his/her baggage of emotional insecurities quirks into the relationship. It's that sacred relationship that is meant to be where two people become more intimate than in any other relationship. In Genesis 2:25, Adam and Eve are described as "naked" and "not ashamed". Our emotional and physical intimacy with our spouse should be described similarly within our marriage.

The authors of The Love Dare remind us that "Your mate should not feel pressured to be perfect in order to receive your approval. They should not walk on eggshells in the very place where they outght to feel the most comfortable in their bare feet... Loving (your mate) well should be your life's work."

Marriage brings a commitment and responsibility to play a role in healing and repairing in a loving way. It also brings a commitment and responsibility to simply accept someone's else faults with gentleness and meekness. The quality of your marriage relationship will, in large part, be graded on how you handle these two commitments and responsibilities.

If you struggle in these areas, start the process of change within yourself and begin to rebuild the trust and intimacy that should exist within the confines of your marriage. Remember, God's Word tells us, "There is no fear in love; but perfect love casts out fear" (1 John 4:18). Be a safe person to your mate.